Kindergarden - Stories

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

162 Stories: Supplemental Guide 9A | Goldilocks and the Three Bears

  1. After hearing today’s story and questions and answers, do you have
    any remaining questions? [If time permits, you may wish to allow for
    individual, group, or class research of the text and/or other resources
    to answer these remaining questions.]

Sayings and Phrases: Do Unto Others as You Would Have Them
Do Unto You

  • Explain to students that the saying “do unto others as you would
    have them do unto you” means you should treat other people with the
    same kindness, respect, and consideration with which you would like
    to have them treat you. That means if you like people sharing with you
    and treating you nicely, then you should share with other people and
    be kind to others.

  • Have students think about the read-aloud they heard earlier by asking
    the following questions:

  • Ask students, “If you were one of the three bears, would you want
    someone coming into your house while you weren’t there? Do you
    think that Goldilocks thought about the phrase “do unto others as you
    would have them do unto you” before she went into the bears’ house?
    What do you think Goldilocks should have done?”

 Complete Remainder of the Lesson Later in the Day

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