
(Nancy Kaufman) #1


DAY 1: Healing

We will begin with the following mantra:
Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung.
This is a Gurmukhi mantra which we use in
Kundalini Yoga for healing. I want you to really
immerse yourself in it today. Listen to it, chant to it,
play it all day long – wherever you are and whatever
you’re doing.
There is an immense power in your word, and we
will use this power to initiate the healing power that I
want you to generate within yourself.
So now, sit down somewhere and tune into your
day. Chant the following mantra three times: Ong

Namo Guru Dev Namo. This will connect you to
the powerful energy of the yogic masters who came
before us. Now, play the mantra track (suggestions
are found in the book), close your eyes and immerse
yourself in the sound current of this mantra for the
next 3-5 minutes and chant along when you’re ready.
Then, when you’re done it’s time to make your
breakfast and get familiar with chanting while you
cook. The breakfast recipe takes some time, so I
suggest rising a couple of hours earlier than usual, or
making sure you have a free morning.

Sun, Moon, Earth, Impersonal Infi nity,
Totality of Infi nity, Personal Sense of Merger
and Identity, The Infi nite Vibrating and Real.
“This mantra taps into the energies of the
sun, moon, earth, and the Infi nite Spirit to
bring deep healing. It can be chanted to
heal the self or to send healing energy
to anyone you wish.”
(source: 3HO)

Ra Ma Da Sa Sa

Say So Hung

Today's practice is all about healing:

Learning how to heal.

Healing your food.

Healing your relationship with food.

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