Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1

Abilities: Tactical Direction (may spend a maneuver
to direct one Stormtrooper minion group within medi-
um range. The group may perform an immediate free
maneuver or add • to their next check).
Equipment: Heavy blaster rifle (Ranged [Heavy]; Damage
10; Critical 3; Range [Long]; Auto-fire, Cumbersome 3),
vibroknife (Melee; Damage 4; Critical 2; Engaged; Pierce
2, Vicious 1), 2 frag grenades (Ranged [Light]; Damage
8; Critical 4; Range [Short]; Blast 6, Limited Ammo 1),
stormtrooper armor ( + 2 soak), utility belt, extra reloads.


Starfighters are an essential component of any major
military installation. The small, fast ships can harry
much larger targets and support a vast array of fire-
power that can make them a threat even to capital-
scale vessels. The tactics of the Rebel Alliance, and
particularly their victory at the Battle of Yavin, has
demonstrated that starfighters can be a vital compo-
nent of any attack force. Starfighters may be tasked
with defending parent ships against enemy starfight-
ers, scouting and reconnaissance, or even heavy as-
saults on enemy ships or installations. However, the
pilots of these vessels almost always possess quick re-
flexes, talented piloting skills, and a foolhardy bravado.

Skills (group only): Gunnery, Piloting (Space).
Talents: None.
Abilities: None.
Equipment: Light blaster pistol (Ranged (Light); Dam-
age 5; Critical 4; Range [Medium); Stun Setting), vac-
uum sealed flight suit.


There are very few planets that rely entirely on an out-
side agency for their protection. Most possess at least
a marginal military force of their own, dedicated to pro-
tecting the planet's most valuable or sacred sites. Plan-
etary defense troopers rarely have the most advanced
or most up-to-date equipment, often employing locally
produced weaponry and armor, but what they do have
is typically well made and serves its purpose.

Abilities: None.
Equipment: Blaster carbine (Ranged [Heavy]; Dam-
age 9; Critical 3; Range [Medium]; Stun setting), 2 frag
grenades (Ranged [Light]; Damage 8; Critical 4; Range
[Short]; Blast 6, Limited Ammo 1) blast vest (+1 soak),


In the eyes of the Empire, a planet is the smallest au-
tonomous body of note anywhere within the galaxy.
Cities and nations are of no real consequence to a
bureaucracy as large as the Empire, but a planet-wide
government can at least offer a significant quantity of
resources, some extremely valuable, to an extent that
makes a planet worthy of attention. For that reason,
planetary governors are at least a consideration even
to the officers of the Imperial Navy. They are given
due consideration and their independence is not trod
upon unless absolutely necessary. If planetary consid-
erations stand in the way of the Imperial agenda, how-
ever, they are swept aside without a thought; even the
most considerate of Imperial officers has his limits.

Skills (group only): Brawl, Discipline, Ranged (Light),
Ranged (Heavy).
Talents: None.

Skills: Charm 3, Coercion 4, Cool 2, Deception 3, Per-
ception 4, Knowledge (Education) 4, Leadership 3,
Ranged (Light) 3, Piloting (Planetary) 2, Resilience 2,
Streetwise 2, Skulduggery 3, Vigilance 2.
Talents: Improved Inspiring Rhetoric (as an action,
may make an Average [4} 4)] Leadership check
Each & removes one strain or wound from one ally
in short range. Each O removes an additional strain
or wound from an affected ally. All affected allies add

  • to all checks for three rounds), Kill with Kindness 2
    (remove •• from all Charm and Leadership checks),
    Nobody's Fool 2 (upgrade difficulty of all Charm,
    Coercion, and Deception checks targeting Planetary
    Governor twice).
    Abilities: Leader (all subordinates within medium
    range add • to all Discipline checks).
    Equipment: Light blaster pistol (Ranged [Light]; Dam-
    age 5; Critical 4; Range [Medium]; Stun setting).


There are a great number of similarities among the
majority of law enforcement personnel, but few are
cut from the same mold as the Sector Rangers. These
individuals are authorized by the Empire, through the
local sector government, to seek out any and all viola-
tions of law in an entire sector of the galaxy. In many
ways, sector rangers are the opposite of smugglers;
fiercely independent and possessed of a tremendous
degree of autonomy and ingenuity. But instead of self-
ish desires for wealth, they possess a strong desire to

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