Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1

see justice served. Sector rangers rarely work well
with others but their tenacity can hound a lawbreaker
across a sector and back, making them among the
most carefully avoided authorities in the galaxy.

Skills: Athletics 2, Brawl 1, Cool 2, Coordination 2,
Ranged (Heavy) 3. Ranged (Light) 3, Streetwise 3,
Survival 3, Vigilance 2.
Talents: Adversary 1 (upgrade difficulty of all combat
checks against this target once).
Abilities: None.
Equipment: Blaster pistol (Ranged (Light); Damage 6;
Critical 3; Range [Medium); Stun setting), scoped blaster
rifle (Ranged (Heavy); Damage 9; Critical 3; Range [Long);
Stun Setting, reduce difficulty of
combat checks at long range by 1)
heavy clothing (+ 1 soak).


Few pilots, smugglers, or
mercenaries make a liv-
ing independently, with-
out the need for someone
to offer them credits in
exchange for the qual-
ity of their trade. In-
deed, all these sorts
of ne'er-do-wells
require a patron
or client in order to
make their way suc-
cessfully in the galaxy.
The kind of clients that hire
an individual says a great
deal about that being's
character and skills and
the greater the skill, the
greater the reward


The Black Sun is a
vast criminal conspir-
acy that literally
spans almost the en-
tire breadth of the
galaxy. Its upper ech-
elons are a mystery
to all but its most in-
fluential and power-

ful members, and the most that the average member
can ever hope to know is the identity of a Vigo. The Vi-
gos of Black Sun are akin to criminal nobility, princes of
vice, underbosses of mayhem and misery. A Vigo is
powerful enough that he or she may control all criminal
activity in an entire sector or an even larger portion of
space, making them rivals even for the great Hutt lords
that are so feared in the Outer Rim. For all their power,
influence, and wealth, however, Vigos still answer to
their superiors, and for that reason they often have
more conservative natures than the hedonistic Hutts.

Skills: Coercion 4, Cool 3, Melee 3, Negotiation 3,
Perception 4, Ranged (Heavy) 3. Ranged (Light) 3,
Streetwise 4, Survival 4, Vigilance 2.
Talents: Adversary 3 (upgrade difficulty of all com-
bat checks against this target three times), Crippling
Blow (may increase damage of check by 1. If suc-
cessful, target suffers one strain when he moves for
remainder of encounter), Nobody's Fool 2 (upgrade
difficulty of all Charm, Coercion, and Deception
checks targeting Vigo twice).
Abilities: Leader (all subordinates within medium
range add • to all Discipline checks).
Equipment: Heavy blaster pistol (Ranged [Light];
Damage 7; Critical 3; Range [Medium]; Stun setting),
force pike (Melee; Damage 6; Critical 2; Range [En-
gaged]; Pierce 2, stun setting).


There are few races in the galaxy that are so simul-
taneously hated and feared as the Hutts. These
massive beings have a stranglehold on the criminal
underworld in entire regions of the galaxy, including
the portion aptly named Hutt Space, much of the
Outer Rim, and even portions of the Mid Rim. Hutts
typically operate in cartels, which are based around
their own familial clans. Individual members of a
clan can control an entire spaceport or even a whole
planet. Typically, Hutts are arrogant, self-centered
creatures who prefer to be amused and adored at all
times. They surround themselves with all manner of
sycophants and criminal underlings in crude courts
that are a parody of what might be found on Corus-
cant or other civilized worlds.

There are many who make the mistake of under-
estimating a Hutt, looking on them as bloated,
gluttonous slugs. This assessment is completely
correct. However, it misses two important points.
One is the extremely cunning and devious mind
that dwells within the bloated exterior. The Hutt
cartels do effectively rule Hutt Space, no matter
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