
(Elle) #1
The Rise of Industrial-Organizational Psychology 369

TABLE 18.1 Industrial Psychology (Viteles, 1932)

Table of Contents

Section 1: The foundations of industrial psychology.
Introduction to a study of industrial psychology.
The economic foundations of industrial psychology.
Social foundations of industrial psychology.
The psychological foundations of industrial psychology.
The rise and scope of industrial psychology.
The nature and distribution of individual differences.
The origin of individual differences.
Section 2: Fitting the worker to the job.
Basic factors in vocational selection.
Job analysis.
The interview and allied techniques.
Standardization and administration of psychological tests.
Standardization and administration of psychological tests
Tests for skilled and semiskilled workers.
Tests in the transportation industry.
Tests for office occupations, technical, and supervisory
Section 3: Maintaining fitness at work.
Safety at work.
Psychological techniques in accident prevention.
Accidents in the transportation industry.
The acquisition of skill.
Training methods.
Industrial fatigue.
The elimination of unnecessary fatigue.
Machines and monotony.
Specific influences in monotonous work.
Motives in industry.
The maladjusted worker.
Problems of supervision and management.

an increase in specialization in the domains of applied psy-
chology (Dunnette, 1976).
From 1990 to 1994, four volumes were written for the
second edition of theHandbook of Industrial and Organiza-
tional Psychology(Dunnette & Hough, 1990–1992; Triandis,
Dunnette, et al., 1994), compared to one volume in 1976. The
content of the second edition, presented in Table 18.3, reveals
significant advances in the field. Particularly noteworthy is the
increased attention given to theory (e.g., motivation, learning,
individual differences, judgment, and decision making) and re-
search methods and measurements. Additional chapters on or-
ganizational psychology (e.g., leadership, groups, productivity,
stress, conflict, organization development) are included. Most
notably, an entire volume on cross-cultural topics was included.
The scope of the field has changed significantly since
Morris Viteles wrote his first textbook. During the early years,
the discipline’s objective was to improve organizational goals
(i.e., productivity and efficiency) primarily by applying
psychology (i.e., practice) with an emphasis on individual
differences. Later, the objective was to improve both organiza-
tional goals/efficiency and employee goals/efficiency by
applying psychology and by theorizing and researching

psychology in the workplace (i.e., science), with consideration
for individual andorganizational factors. Today, many com-
plex issues are addressed, and consequently, specializations
have developed in the discipline. The I-O psychologist’s im-
pact has broadened, and currently the discipline pervades
almost every aspect of organizations.

TABLE 18.2 Topics Related to Industrial and Organizational
Psychology Covered by Annual Review of Psychologyin 1950
and 1961–2000
Number of
Topics Chapters
I. (1950). “Industrial Psychology” 1
Broader studies.
Test procedures and norms.
Job analysis and evaluation.
Criteria of performance.
Motivation and morale.
Communications and advertising.
Human engineering.
II. (1961–2000). Annual Review of Psychology
Attitudes, attitude change, opinions, and motivation. 22
Attribution theory and research. 2
Behavioral decision theory. 5
Cognition (social cognition/cognitive science). 13
Community intervention. 7
Consumer psychology. 9
Counseling psychology, career development. 10
Culture/cross-cultural psychology. 6
Engineering psychology. 6
Environmental psychology. 5
Group dynamics/study of small groups/teams/intergroup relations. 13
Human abilities and individual differences. 5
Instructional psychology. 9
Judgment and decision/decision behavior. 3
Organizational behavior. 10
Organization development. 6
Organizational psychology. 3
Personality and personality measurement. 28
Personnel/human resource management. 4
Personnel selection, classification, test validation. 18
Personnel training and human resource development. 6
Psychology of men at work. 2
Program evaluation/research. 5
Scaling and test theory. 10
Statistics/statistical theory/data analysis. 14
Miscellaneous other topics (one chapter each). 13
Group awareness training.
Industrial social psychology.
Moral judgment.
Motivation and performance.
Performance evaluation in organizations.
Psychology of deception.
Psychology of law.
Psychometric methods.
Sex and gender.
Sport psychology.
Survey research.
Test validation.
Trust and distrust in organizations.
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