
(Elle) #1

370 Industrial-Organizational Psychology

I.Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology(1976) (1 vol.)
Theory development and theory application.
Research strategies and research methodology.
Theories of individual and organizational behavior.
Job and task analysis.
Attributes of persons.
Engineering psychology.
Occupational and career choice and persistence.
Individual and group performance measurement (development of criteria).
Validity and validation strategies.
Attributes of organizations.
Communication in organizations.
Organizational socialization processes.
Behavioral responses by individuals.
Job attitudes and satisfaction.
Problem solving and decision making.
Assessment of persons.
Selection and selection research.
Strategies for training and development.
Strategies of organization change.
Consumer psychology.
Cross-cultural issues.
II.Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology,Second Edition
(1990–1994) (4 vols.)
Volume 1
Blending the science and practice of industrial and organizational
psychology: Where are we and where are we going?
The role of theory in industrial and organizational psychology.
Motivation theory and industrial and organizational psychology.
Learning theory and industrial and organizational psychology.
Individual differences theory in industrial and organizational psychology.
Judgment and decision-making theory.
Research methods in the service of discovery.
Research strategies and tactics in industrial and organizational psychology.
Quasi experimentation.
Item response theory.
Multivariate correlational analysis.
Modeling the performance prediction problem in industrial and
organizational psychology.
Volume 2
Cognitive theory in industrial and organizational psychology.
Job analysis.
The structure of work: Job design and roles.
Human factors in the workplace.
Job behavior, performance, and effectiveness.
Personnel assessment, selection, and placement.
Recruitment, job choice, and post-hire consequences: A call for new
research directions.

Adaptation, persistence, and commitment in organizations.
Training in work organizations.
Utility analysis for decisions in human resource management.
Physical abilities.
Vocational interests, values, and preferences.
Personality and personality measurement.
Volume 3
Aptitudes, skills, and proficiencies.
Developmental determinants of individual action: Theory and practice
in applying background measures.
Theory and research on leadership in organizations.
Group influences on individuals in organizations.
Group performance and intergroup relations in organizations.
Organization-environment relations.
Consumer psychology.
Organizational productivity.
Employee compensation: Research and practice.
Stress in organizations.
Conflict and negotiation processes in organizations.
Organizational development: Theory, practice, and research.
Behavior change: Models, methods, and a review of evidence.
Alternative metaphors for organization design.
Strategic decision making.
Strategic reward systems.
Volume 4
Contemporary meta-trends in industrial and organizational psychology.
Cross-cultural industrial and organizational psychology.
Selection and assessment in Europe.
Technological change in a multicultural context: Implications for
training and career planning.
An underlying structure of motivational need taxonomies:
A cross-cultural confirmation.
Action as the core of work psychology: A German approach.
Time and behavior at work.
Cross-cultural leadership making: Bridging American and Japanese
diversity for team advantage.
Aging and work behavior.
Age and employment.
Toward a model of cross-cultural industrial and organizational
The Japanese work group.
The nature of individual attachment to the organization: A review of
East Asian variations.
Culture, economic reform, and the role of industrial and organizational
psychology in China.
Culture embeddedness and the developmental role of industrial
organizations in India.
Workplace diversity (in United States).

TABLE 18.3 Comparison of Major Areas of Coverage in the Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology,First Edition (1976) and the
Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology,Second Edition (1990–1994)

Table of Contents


Issues about training and education in I-O psychology were
raised as early as 1918 when methods of technical training
for consulting psychologists were discussed (Geissler, 1918).
During those early years, most psychologists were trained in
general experimental psychology; education in specialized
industrial psychology was not possible. The first university

program to train in the field was established in the 1920s at
Carnegie Institute of Technology (now known as Carnegie-
Mellon University), and Bruce V. Moore is credited with the
first doctorate from this program in 1921 (Farr & Tesluk,
1997). Lillian Moller Gilbreth was acknowledged for com-
pleting the first dissertation related to industrial psychology
at Brown University in 1915. She applied psychology and
scientific management principles to the work of classroom
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