Subject Index 583
Diagnosis, 332
Direct perception, 89
Diversity and cultural difference, 259. See alsoEthnic minorities; Women
and gender, psychology of
Draw-a-Man test, 287–288
Draw-a-Person (DAP), 288
Drug therapy/treatment, 331, 349–352
Dualism, 114–115, 236–237
Ecological perspective, community psychology, 436–439
Economic psychology, 367
Educational psychology:
cognitive psychology’s influence, 273–274
contributions of early philosophers, 269–270
discipline today, 274
early developments in America, 271
effects of instructional psychology, 273
European influences (in eighteenth and nineteenth centuries), 270–271
future, 276
goals, 274–276
school psychology and, 416
tracing progress through written record, 272
twentieth century developments, 271–272
Education/training in psychology. SeeTraining/education in psychology
Electronic publishing initiatives, 40
Emission theory of vision, 91–92
behaviorism and psychoanalysis, 169–171
central/mental approaches to, 165–167
conflict theories, 167–171
developmental psychology and, 212
facial expression and, 166–167
future of, 170–172
peripheral/organic approaches to, 160–165
premodern history of, 157–159
themes in modern history of, 159
two distinct psychologies of, 159–160
variations in pheripheral/visceral activity, 163–165
Empiricism, 110, 115–117
Employment psychology, 367
Environmental health psychology, 455. See alsoHealth psychology
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 380
Equilibration, 144
Ethical/professional issues:
expert witness, 402–403
scientific amicus briefs, 405–406
Ethnic minorities:
activism in APA, 500
Asian Americans in psychology (organization efforts by), 490–492
challenge of change: formation of the Association of Black
Psychologists, 492–495
civil rights movement, 379–380, 487
community psychology and race relations, 432–433
confrontations and change, 486–488
doctoral programs in psychology, 493
hispanic ethnicity in psychology: Cuban-American perspective,
history of ethnic minority psychological publishing, 495–496
humanizing of psychology, 483–486
minority psychologists in the community, 488–490
models of racial and ethnic identity (origins of an ecological framework
of identity development), 503–505
progress during 1999, 500–501
in research and organization, 499–501
treating ethnic minority clients, 501–502
client resistance and treatment effectiveness, 502
clinical problems frequently presented in therapy, 502
therapists’ reported levels of comfort, 502
Ethology, European, 77
Ethos, scientific, 183
Eugenics, 320
ethology, 77
influences (educational psychology) in eighteenth and nineteenth
centuries, 270–271
professional organizations, 538–539
Evoked potentials, 50
Evolution/evolutionary theory:
cognitive psychology and, 118–119, 131
comparative psychology and, 68–69, 77–78
Experimental psychology. SeeScientific psychology
Expert witness, psychologists as, 396–397, 401–403. See alsoForensic
“Exploration” project, 187–189
Eyewitness memory, 396, 406–407
Facial expression and emotion, 166–167
Fear Survey Schedule, 291, 349–350
Feedback, 125–126. See alsoBiofeedback
Feminism.SeeWomen and gender, psychology of
Fever therapies, 325–326
Figure drawing methods, 287–288
Five Factor Model, 285
Forensic psychology:
amicus curiae briefs, 395–396, 404–406
basic knowledge domains, 398–399
child and adolescent psycholegal issues, 407–408
clinical forensic evaluations, 407
conceptualizations of insanity, 392–394
current issues in, 404–408
defining, 391–392
early attempts to apply psychological/psychiatric knowledge to the legal
system, 392–398
emergence as recognized subfield, 398–404
ethical/professional issues in, 402–403, 405–406
eyewitness memory/testimony, 396, 406–407
forensic clinical evaluations, 400–401
future of, 408
journals/textbooks, 398
pre-1955 psychological writings about psychology and law,
professional organizations, 398
psychologists as expert witness, 396–397, 401–403
psychologists as trial consultants, 403–404
research advances, 406–408
training in, 399–400
Free association, 289
Functional analysis of behavior, 349
Functionalism, 127, 382–383
Functional/structural psychologies, 10–12