Technology Magazine - USA (2021-02)

(Antfer) #1
customer experience journeys,” says
Grunwitz. “We’ve been working with
Genesys for a long period, particularly
in traditional on-premise call center
solutions. They provide the best solution
in that space.” As customer experience
itself digitally transforms, moving away
from disparate legacy platforms, the
partnership is changing too. “Customer
experience now needs to be more
adaptable. We see cloud-based

contact centers as the future, as well
as AI-driven, data analytics-informed
automation solutions. That’s what we
see with Genesys now and the pure
cloud approach. It combines good fea-
tures from the past such as traditional
telephony with a modern and agile
environment, which is why we see
our partnership with Genesys as the
backbone of our customer experience

Executive Profile:
Kai Grunwitz

Title: CEO Germany, Industry: Information Technology & Services

In October 2019 Kai Grunwitz was appointed Managing
Director of NTT Ltd. Germany AG & Co. KG, part of NTT Ltd, a
leading global IT services provider. For the prior five years
Kai Grunwitz was responsible for the Cybersecurity
business area as Senior Vice President EMEA of NTT
Security. After studying business administration, he has
held various management positions in the IT industry
for more than 25 years, including at Oracle as Vice
President Consulting Northern Europe and member
of the Country Leadership Team, and at Sun
Microsystems as Head of Professional Services
Central Europe and member of the German
management team.



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