Technology Magazine - USA (2021-02)

(Antfer) #1
culture we build has to adapt as well,
step-by-step. We are all aware that
cultural change is not a sprint – It’s a
long journey.”
That acknowledgment of the neces-
sity of change has served NTT Ltd. well
during the COVID-19 pandemic. While

Kai Grunwitz,
CEO Germany, NTT Ltd.

“ We are all aware that
cultural change is not a
sprint – It’s a long journey”

Grunwitz is adamant that technology
alone is not sufficient for a successful
digital transformation. “You cannot
transform without changing the culture
and the way you do business, because
technology is just one component of the
overall transformation. If you’re trying
to work in traditional analogue business
models and processes, and just put
technology on top of it, it will fail. Skill
development is a key area for that. You
need to change the ways people interact
and processes are adopted.” NTT Ltd.
also practices what it preaches. “The

Kai Grunwitz: the story of NTT Ltd. Germany

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