Technology Magazine - USA (2021-02)

(Antfer) #1
enabling our clients to collaborate
most efficiently,” says Grunwitz. That’s
not a situation that he expects to be
temporary. “We will see a lot of hybrid
working in the future – people are more
open to new ideas now than they have
been in the past. We’re seeing initiatives
around smart city and smart mobility
approaches, for instance. NTT Ltd. is at
the centre of this discussion, because
one of our ambitions is to not only create
technology, but to create technology for
good.” NTT Ltd. is duly engaged in pro-
jects that align with the UN’s Sustainable
Development Goals to support society
and transform in a sustainable way.
Going forwards, Grunwitz expects
NTT Ltd.’s business to continue to

some projects have slowed, others
have become increasingly vital. “One
of the areas we see prominently on the
roadmap at the moment is everything
around the modern workplace and

Kai Grunwitz,
CEO Germany, NTT Ltd.

“ We will see a lot of
hybrid working in
the future”



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