Technology Magazine - USA (2021-02)

(Antfer) #1

Learn how Phreesia is powering safe, conve nient,
and contactless patient registration at health systems
across the country, including Memorial Health System

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Contactless regist ration

to meet your health

syst em's evolving needs

the provider experience, the patient
experience, population health, and
reducing cost. “The last two are about
value-based care,” he says. “That is
the focus of everything we design,
even from a technological standpoint,
including better managing chronic
diseases, ensuring patients receive
preventative care, and designing
solutions to be more cost effective.”
Queen has created CareBridge, a
piece of software that draws from
multiple data sources including the
EMR, BOLT, different immunization
vendors, the FDA, the US Census Bur-
eau, and CMS Centers for Medicare
and Medicaid Services. “CareBridge
draws from these external data sour-
ces and combines this with our clini-
cal data to enhance what we can do,”
he says.
Part of its aim is to provide evidence-
based preventative care, something
that only eight to 15% of Americans
receive in full measure.
“For example, people with diabetes
need a hemoglobin A1C lab test at least
once a year. It’s very common for a third
to a half of diabetic patients to have not
had one in the last 12 months,” Queen says.

Richard Queen,
Director of Data Solutions,
Memorial Health System

“ We’ve had phenomenal
feedback from the physi-
cians, with some saying
they can see two more
patients a day because
they walk into the room
knowing what needs to
be done”

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