Technology Magazine - USA (2021-02)

(Antfer) #1
“Typically, in any hospital, it’s the in-
surance companies as the payers
who calculate all this data and report
back to you on what the patients need.
The typical workflow is waiting six to
nine months after the point of care to
tell you what didn’t happen, and then
you have to manually try to either get
these patients back in, or prove that
you did. We’ve turned this data into real-
time clinical indicators” he explains.
CareBridge can provide this informa-
tion directly to the payer or the clinician,

and as a result in just six months
Memorial has improved point-of-care
gap closure from 8.5 to 30%. “We’ve
had phenomenal feedback from
the physicians, with some say-
ing they can see two more patients a
day because they walk into the room
knowing what needs to be done.”
The intention is to use CareBridge
to manage a range of chronic diseases
and standards of care such as mam-
mograms for women and bone density
scans for people with osteoporosis.




Richard Queen,
Director of Data Solutions,
Memorial Health System

“ Value - based care is the
focus of everything we
design, even from a tech-
nological standpoint”
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