272 Index
organismic theory of the state, 117-118,
158, 189-190
Owen, Robert, 213-218
on education, 214-215
parallel word construction, 35-36
Pareto, Vilfredo, 188
Paris Peace Conference of 1919, 227
Parkinson, C. Northcote, 237-239
Parkinson’s Law, 237
second law, 238-239
writings, 237
Parkinson’s Law, 237
pecuniary emulation, 220-221
pecuniary man, 220
pessimism, 95, 106
phenomenological philosophy, 103
phenomenon, Kant’s concept of, 95,
Philosopherof Absolute Monarchy, 162
Physiocrats, 202
Plato, 55-60, 61, 63,95, 138-141, 147,
214, 248,253
Academy, 56
Allegory of the Cave, 140
knowledge, 59-60, 139
nature of ideas, 56-57
Platonic love, 140
political philosophy, 56, 138-141
the Republic, 56, 138, 141, 142
writings, 56, 140, 147
Platonist, 61, 146
pluralism, 130-131, 142
political law, 120, 124
political theory, 111-191
polity, 143-144
popular sovereignty, 114
post hoc, ergo propter hoc, see false
positive checks, 211,213
and sovereignty, 114
practical reason, postulates of, 93
pragmatic theory of truth, 22
pragmatism, 53
praxeology, 241-242
predatory man, 219-220, 222, 223
prerogative power of the ruler, 168
preventive checks, 211,213
The Prince, 156, 160
procedural laws, 120
production related to distribution, 224-
professional monopolies, 235
Progress and Poverty, 224
progressive income tax, 236
proletariat, dictatorship of the, 185,244
prudence, 67-68
psychological hedonism, 85
public monopolies, 206
“pump priming,” 230-231
qualitative hedonist, 88
“quantitative hedonism,” 87
Quesnay, 202
radical, 13, 14
reactionary, 12, 13, 14
realist, 21
realism, 61
reason, 62, 63, 77-78
Aquinas’ types of, 76
Aristotle’s, 77
vs. faith, 3
relativist, 20
religion, as source of law, 122
renunciation of the Will to Live, 97-98
representative government, 176-177
resemblance (association), 83
resignation, 69