
([email protected]) #1
Your project is fi nished and ready to go,
but the job isn’t done until you’ve found
an appropriate source of power. This
could be as simple as choosing a suitably
rated mains adapter or as complex as
designing a switched-mode power supply
with multiple outputs and battery backup.
Our latest series – Teach-In 2019 – is
here to help, and will provide you with
insight into all aspects of powering your
electronic projects and designs.

Last month, we examined switched-
mode power supplies (SMPS) and
explained the basic principles of
buck (step-down) and boost (step-up)
switching regulators. This month, we
will be revisiting some of the rectifi er
circuits that we fi rst met in Part 2,
and show how we can easily produce
multiples of the basic DC output voltage
with voltage doublers, triplers, and
quadruplers. These are useful circuits

that can be built using just a handful of
low-cost components.
We will also provide some important
advice and guidance on how to select
and use electrolytic capacitors.
Our Practical Project takes the form
of a simple voltage doubler designed for
producing a low-current 15V DC output
from a small 9V battery. This project is
ideal for supplying power to 15V CMOS
logic circuits.


V mA W



by Mike Tooley

The simple half-wave and full-wave
rectifi ers that we met in Part 2 can be
easily modifi ed and extended to produce
multiples of the basic DC output voltage.
For example, Fig.6.1(a) shows a simple
half-wave voltage doubler arrangement.
On the fi rst negative-going half-cycle of

Powering Electronics

Par t 6: Vol tage mul tipliers

Teach-In 2019

Vol tage mul tipliers__

Fig.6.1. Simple half-wave and full-wave
voltage doublers.

Fig.6.2. Voltage tripler and voltage quadrupler

the input AC supply voltage, D1 will
conduct and charge C1 to the negative
peak secondary voltage (less the forward
0.7V voltage drop associated with D1).
This positive voltage appears
at the anode of D2, which then
conducts on the positive-going
half-cycle, charging C2 to double
the applied peak voltage (less the
forward voltage drop associated
with D1 and D2). With
a sinusoidal AC input,
two 1N4001 diodes,
and an RMS secondary
voltage of VS, the peak
DC voltage appearing
across the load (RL) will
be approximately:

Vout = (2 × 1.4 × VS)

  • (2 × 0.7V)
    = 2.8VS – 1.4V

Note that the 1.4 factor
converts the RMS
value to a peak value
(strictly speaking the
factor is √2 = 1.4142...).
So, with a transformer
delivering 12V RMS
from its secondary, the
no-load output voltage
can be expected to be
approximately 32V (and
also at low load currents
of up to about 50mA).
An alternative voltage
doubler arrangement is
shown in Fig.6.1(b). This

circuit offers better performance to that
shown in Fig.6.1(a) since both diodes are
conducting for part of every half-cycle of
the secondary input (its action is that of a
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