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Practical Electronics | May | 2019 45

full-wave rectifier rather than a half-wave
rectifier). With a 24V RMS secondary, this
circuit will deliver approximately 65V
at load currents of up to 50mA.
Fig.6.2(a) shows a simple voltage tripler.
The upper part of this circuit (C1/C2
and D1/D2) forms a voltage doubler
with double the peak secondary voltage
appearing across C2. To this is added the
negative peak voltage produced by the
rectifying action of D3 which charges C3
on negative-going half cycles. Thus, the
voltage appearing across the load (RL)
will be approximately three times the
peak secondary voltage delivered by T1.
With a sinusoidal AC input, three
1N4001 diodes, and an RMS secondary
voltage (VS) the peak DC voltage
appearing across the load (RL) is
approximately given by:

Vout = (3 × 1.4 × VS) – (3 × 0.7V)
= 4.2VS – 2.1V

Thus, with a transformer delivering 24V
RMS from its secondary, the no-load
output voltage will be approximately 98V
and also with load currents of up to 50mA.
Fig.6.2(b) shows a simple voltage
quadrupler. The upper part of this circuit
(C1/C2 and D1/D2) forms a voltage
doubler with double the peak secondary
voltage appearing across C2.

The lower part of the circuit (C3/C4
and D3/D4) forms a further negative
output voltage doubler, with its output
appearing across C4. The resulting
output voltage delivered to the load
(RL) is the sum of the voltages appearing
across C2 and C4. With a sinusoidal
AC input, four 1N4001 diodes, and an
RMS secondary voltage (VS) the peak DC
voltage appearing across the load (RL)
will be approximately:

Vout = (2 × (2 × 1.4 × VS)) – (4 × 0.7V)
= 4VS – 2.8V

With a transformer delivering 24V RMS
from its secondary, the no-load output
voltage will be approximately 130V,
which can be maintained at load currents
of up to 50mA.

Higher voltages
It is possible to generate much higher
voltage using multiplier arrangements,
but at the cost of poor regulation and
limited output current. The general
arrangement of an n-tupler ladder voltage
multiplier is shown in Fig.6.3. Originally
devised by John Cockcroft and Ernest
Walton more than 90 years ago, this
circuit was employed in a high-voltage
DC power supply for use with a nuclear
particle accelerator.

The Cockcroft-Walton
arrangement cascades
ladder networks of
rectifiers and reservoir
capacitors, and offers
the advantage of not
requiring a bulky and
expensive high-voltage
transformer. Note that in
Fig.6.3 we have added a
shunt resistor in parallel
with each reservoir
capacitor. These
not only assist with
equalising the voltages
developed across the
reservoir capacitors, but
also provide a discharge
path for the capacitors,
making the circuit safe to
handle when the power
is no longer applied.
Typical values for the
shunt resistors are in
the range 47kΩ to 1MΩ.
It should perhaps be
emphasised that a high-
order Cockcroft-Walton power supply
is only capable of delivering relatively
small currents. For example, a nine-times
multiplier (n = 9) will only be capable of
delivering a few tens of milliamps. This
may be sufficient for a few applications
but wholly insufficient for many others.

Reservoir capacitors
In both switched-mode and conventional
linear supplies, the reservoir capacitors
have the important role of ‘holding-
up’ the output voltage from the bridge
rectifier. The capacitors will charge on
each peak of the applied voltage (during
which the respective rectifier diodes will
be conducting) and it will retain this
charge when the secondary voltage falls
(see Fig.6.4). The general rule of thumb is
to use a capacitor, suitably rated in terms
of working voltage and ripple current,
with a value that is as large as possible
within the physical constraints of the
board on which it is mounted.
It is possible to obtain a rough ‘ball
park’ value of the capacitance required
by assuming that the capacitor has a
maximum discharge time equivalent
to the time for one half-cycle of the AC
supply (recall that the bridge rectifier is
providing full-wave rectification, and
so the ‘ripple’ frequency will be 100Hz,
twice the 50Hz frequency for a standard
UK mains supply). The recommended
value of capacitor can then be estimated
from the relationship:

Where Imax is the maximum load current,
tdmax is the maximum discharge time,
Vpk and Vtr are the peak and trough
voltages respectively (see Fig.6.5) and
the DC output voltage (VDC) is simply
the average of these two.
Let’s take a simple example based on a
reservoir capacitor that what we might
need for a basic audio amplifier operating

Fig.6.3. Voltage multiplier Cockcroft-Walton ‘n-tupler’ ladder.

Fig.6.4. A bridge rectifier with, and without, reservoir capacitor. Note how the current flows
alternately into and out of the capacitor in order to maintain current through the load.

max d max
pk tr




×× × −




π ××× ×−

1 1



× × ×


× ×⎛⎞

× ×⎜⎟

Fig.6.5. Effect of a reservoir capacitor on the output waveform of a full-wave
bridge rectified DC power supply.

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