
([email protected]) #1
The minimum input voltage for the 7805
regulator is specifi ed as 7.5V (see Table 3.1
on page 45 of EPE, February 2019). Thus,
for a maximum load of 1A, we can now
estimate the minimum required value of
reservoir capacitance from:

In practice a 4,700μF component would
be suitable with a working voltage of at
least 16V.

from a full-wave bridge rectified
12V RMS AC supply and requiring a
maximum current of 1A. The 12V RMS
supply derived from a mains transformer
secondary will have a peak value of
approximately 17V (12V × 1.4). Let’s
assume that we would not be prepared to
tolerate a voltage fall of more than 1V on
the DC supply rail when the maximum
load current is being supplied. We should
thus plan for a worst-case situation in
which Vpk = 17V and Vtr = 16V (in other
words, we are designing for a maximum
ripple voltage of 1V peak).
With a 50Hz supply the value of tdmax
would be 10ms and the maximum load
current will be around 1A. Hence:

As a general rule, reservoir capacitors
should have a maximum working voltage
rating of at least 50% more than the
expected DC voltage and with a ripple
current that is at least 50% more than
the maximum DC load current. Thus, a
component rated at 30V or 35V with a
ripple current rating of 1.5A, or more,
would be suitable.
In this simple example we considered
the bridge rectifi er to be perfect and didn’t
account for any voltage drop that might
be attributable to the rectifi er diodes
when in the conducting state. In some
cases (and for low-voltage supplies in
particular) it would be wise to consider
the additional voltage drop that is
developed across each semiconductor
junction when it is conducting. We
will illustrate this with a slightly more
complex example.
Let’s assume that we are using a linear
three-terminal 5V regulator based on
a 7805 and a mains transformer with
an 8V secondary and a bridge rectifi er
arrangement (as before). The peak
voltage appearing across the reservoir
capacitor will be (8 × 1.41) = 11.3V less
the forward voltage drops associated
with two of the four rectifi er diodes
(only two of the four diodes will be
conducting at any time). Thus, the peak
voltage appearing across the reservoir
capacitor will not be 11.3V but nearer
to (11.3 – (2 × 0.7)) = 9.9V.

Electrol ytic capacitors__


1 10 10^3
F 10mF or 10, 000μF
17 16



×× × −




π ××× ×−

1 1



× × ×


× ×⎛⎞

× ×⎛⎞



1 10 10^33
F 4.17 10 F = 4,170μF
9.9 7.5


××− −




π ××× ×−

1 1



× × ×


× ×⎛⎞

× ×⎛⎞

As you’ve seen, the vast majority of
capacitors used in power supplies
are electrolytic types that permit
relatively large values of capacitance in
a small volume. In the manufacture of
electrolytic capacitors, an oxide fi lm (the
dielectric) is grown onto a metal anode by
electrochemical means. The oxide fi lm is
very thin and offers a dielectric constant
of up to about 25. In normal operation,
the dielectric must be polarised by the
application of a DC voltage.
Electrolytic capacitors need to be
treated with care; they are not as widely
applicable as other types of capacitor for
a number of reasons, including the need
for a polarising voltage, wide tolerance,
poor temperature characteristics and
relatively large values of leakage current,
signifi cant effective series resistance
(ESR) and effective series inductance
(ESL). Electrolytic capacitors are also
signifi cantly less reliable than other
types and are prone to failure at high
temperatures (see later). This serves to
emphasise the need to choose the correct
type of capacitor for power supply
applications and particularly where
reliability is paramount. The properties
of various common types of electrolytic
capacitor are listed in Table 6.1.

Electrolytic capacitor characteristics
It’s worth spending a little more time
explaining why large electrolytic
capacitors need to be treated carefully. We
will start by explaining some important
characteristics that have a major effect
on the way capacitors operate.

A capacitor is an energy-storing device
made of two parallel conductive plates
separated by an insulating (dielectric)
material. When a voltage is applied
across the plates, the electric fi eld in the
dielectric displaces electric charges, and
thus it stores energy. It is assumed that
there are no free charges in the dielectric
(at least in the ideal case), and that while
they are displaced, they are not free to
move (as they can in a conductor).

Value and tolerance
The capacitance of an electrolytic
capacitor is usually stated in μF
(microfarads) and is determined by the
physical properties of the capacitor
(effective plate area and separation) as
well as the dielectric material. Tolerance
is the maximum allowable deviation
from the nominal capacitance value at
a specifi ed temperature. Typical values
of tolerance for electrolytic capacitors
can range from –20% to +50% and so
you can certainly expect some deviation
from any marked value of capacitance.

Maximum working voltage
The maximum working voltage for
an electrolytic capacitor is defi ned as
the maximum DC voltage that can be
applied to the capacitor continuously
at the rated temperature. Note that AC
and DC ratings are not the same and
the sum of the DC and any peak AC
voltages simultaneously applied to the
capacitor must never exceed the rated
DC voltage.

Equivalent series resistance
ESR is the internal resistance of the
capacitor expressed as a single resistance
value, modeled as connected in series
with the capacitor (which is then viewed
as a ‘perfect’ component (see later)). It
is important to note that ESR is made
up of the sum of the resistance loss in
the dielectric (important in electrolytic
components) and the resistance of the
conducting path between the capacitor
plates and its external connections. ESR
varies slightly with frequency, usually
falling to a minimum value in the range
associated with most switched-mode

Type of

Typical range of

Typical working


Typical ripple

Typical leakage


Life expectancy
Miniature radial
lead electrolytic

1μF to 2,200μF 6.3V to 25V –55°C to +105°C 0.4A to 9.7A 0.01CV or 4μA^15 Ω to
350 Ω

2,000 at 105°C

Miniature SMD
electrolytic 1μF to 1,000μF 6.3V to 50V –45°C to +85°C 0.01A to 0.33A 0.01CV or 3μA

0.4Ω to
166 Ω 2,000 at 85°C

220μF to 22,000μF 16V to 400V –40°C to +85°C 0.7A to 4.1A 0.02CV 0.03Ω
to 4Ω

2,000 at 85°C

electrolytic 100μF to 1,000μF 6.3V to 50V –55°C to +105°C 0.3A to 0.45A 0.01CV or 3μA

to 0.4Ω 2,000 at 85°C
Low-ESR radial
lead electrolytic

2.2μF to 1,000μF 16V to 100V –55°C to +105°C 0.03A to 1.5A 0.01CV or 2μA 40mΩ
to 2.8Ω

5,000 at 85°C

electrolytic 1,000μF to 47,000μF 25V to 385V –40°C to +85°C 5A to 42A 0.006CV or 4μA

5mΩ to
70mΩ 4,000 at 85°C

Table 6.1 Comparison of electrolytic capacitor types

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