
(Stevenselfio) #1

the emotional ties, agreements, dependencies, attachments, bonds, and
addictions to all those external cues in your life.
In the workshops that I conduct around the world, this is the most difficult
part of the steps. No one really wants anyone to know who they really are.
They want to maintain how they appear. However, as you have learned, it takes
an enormous amount of energy to keep up this ongoing image. This is the point
where you want to release that energy.
And remember: since emotions are energy in motion, everything that you’ve
experienced and interacted with in your external life has an energetic emotion
attached to it. Essentially, you are bonded to some person, thing, or place by an
energy that exists beyond time and space. This is how you continually
remember yourself as an ego with a personality, identifying emotionally with
and being tied to everything in your life.
For example, if you hate someone, that hate keeps you emotionally attached
to the other person. Your emotional bond is the energy that keeps this
individual in your life so that you can feel hate and thus reinforce one aspect of
your personality. In other words, you use that person to stay addicted to hatred.
By the way, it should be obvious by now that your hatred is primarily hurting
you. As you release chemicals from your brain to your body, you truly hate
yourself. To speak the truth about yourself out loud in this step empowers you
to become free from hatred and less connected to the person or thing in your
external reality that reminds you of who you have been.
If you recall the gap discussed earlier, you know that most people rely on the
environment to remember themselves as a “somebody.” Therefore, if you have
memorized an emotion as part of your personality and you are addicted to it,
then when you declare who you have been emotionally, you are calling energy
back (releasing it) to you from your emotional bonds with everything and
everyone in your life. This conscious statement by you will free you from the
old self.
In addition, by claiming your limitations and consciously revealing what you
have been hiding, you are freeing the body from being the mind; and for that
reason, you are closing the gap between how you appear and who you really
are. When you verbalize who you have been, you also liberate energy stored in
your body. This will become “free energy” for you to use later on in the
meditation to create a new self and life.
Bear in mind that your body will not want to do this very readily. Your ego
automatically hides this emotion because it doesn’t want anyone to know the

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