Пазарна реализация на иновациите в софтуерната индустрия

(kozludzhova) #1

  1. Howlett, R 2011, Innovation through Knowledge Transfer 2010, Springer-
    Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pages 350, ISBN: 9783642205088.

  2. Jawadekear, W 2004, Software Engineering, Principles and practice, Tata
    McGraw-Hill Education, New Delhi, pages 401, ISBN 0070583714.

  3. Johannessen, J, Olsen, B & Lumpkin, G 2001, ‘Innovation as newness: what is
    new, how new, and new to whom?‘, European Journal of Innovation Manage-
    ment, vol. 4, no.1, pp.20-31.

  4. Johnson, S 1797, A dictionary of the English Language: In which the Words Are
    Deduced from Their Originals, explained in Their Different Meanings, and Au-
    thorized by the Names of the Writers in Whose Works They Are Found, 11 th edn,
    T Brawn, pages 986.

  5. Johnson, G, Scholes, K & Whittington, R 2008, Exploring corporate strategy,
    8 th edn, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, pages 664, ISBN: 9780273711919.

  6. Jordan, J 2014, Innovation, Commercialization, and Start-Ups in Life Sciences,
    1 st edn, CRC Press, pages 254, ISBN: 978-1482210125.

  7. Kotler, P 2002, Marketing Management, Millenium Edition, Pearson Custom
    Publishing, Boston, pages 720, ISBN: 0536630992.

  8. Kotler, P 2009, Marketing management, Pearson Education, pages 889, ISBN:

  9. Kotler, P & Armstrong, G 2010, Principles of Marketing, Pearson Education,
    pages 637, ISBN: 9780137006694.

  10. Kotler, P & Keller, K 2006, Marketing Management, 14th edn, Pearson Prentice
    Hall, New Jersey, pages 812, ISBN: 9780132102926.

  11. Lall, M & Sahai, Sh 2008, Entrepreneurship, 2nd edn, Excel Books India, New
    Delhi, pages 425, ISBN: 9788174466136.

  12. Lippoldt, D & Stryszowski, P 2009, Innovation in the Software Sector, OECD
    Publishing, pages 188, ISBN: 926407676X.

  13. Link, А 2006, Public/private Partnership: Innovation Strategies and Policy
    alternatives, 1st edn, Springer Science, pages 156, ISBN: 9780387297750.

  14. Mellor, R 2011, Knowledge Management and Information Systems: Strategies
    for growing organizations, Palgrave Macmillan, London, pages 169, ISBN

  15. Merrifield, B 1983, Forces of Change Affecting High Technology Industries,
    working document prepared for the U.S. Department of Commerce.

  16. Miles, М & Huberman, М 1994, Qualitative Data Analysis: An Expanded
    Sourcebook, 2nd edn, SAGE, California, pages 338, ISBN: 9780803955400.

  17. Molero, J 1995, Technological Innovations, Multinational Corporations and the
    new International competitiveness, the case of Intermediate Countries, Harwood
    Academic publishers GmbH, pages 323, ISBN: 371865685X.

  18. Morris, M, Kuratko, D & Covin, J 2010, Corporate Entrepreneurship and Inno-
    vation, 3rd edn, Cengage Learning, pages 496, ISBN: 9780538478922.

  19. Nordic Council of Ministers 2006, Understanding user-driven Innovation, Tema
    Nord, Copenhagen, pages 33, ISBN: 928931298X.

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