Пазарна реализация на иновациите в софтуерната индустрия

(kozludzhova) #1

  1. OECD Eurostat 2005, Oslo Manual: Guidelines for Collecting and Interpreting
    Innovation Data, 3rd edn, OECD Publishing, Paris, pages 163, ISBN:

  2. O’Dwyer, M 2009, Marketing the SME: Innovation and Approach, Cambridge
    Scholars Publishing, pages 254, ISBN: 9781443805759.

  3. Pikkarainen, M, Codenie, W, Boucart, N & Alvaro, J 2011, The Art of Software
    Innovation: Eight Practice Areas to Inspire your Business, Springer Science &
    Business Media, pages 200, ISBN: 9783642210495.

  4. Patil, D & Bhakkad, D 2014, Redefining Management Practices and Marketing
    in Modern Age, ATHARVA Publications, pages 249, ISBN: 9789382795858.

  5. Pohl, K, Böckle, G & Van der Linden, F 2005, Software Product Line Engineer-
    ing – Foundations, Principles, and Techniques, Springer, pages 466, ISBN:

  6. Rackham, N 1988, SPIN Selling, 1st edn, McGraw-Hill, pages 197, ISBN:

  7. Reis, A & Trout, J 2001, Positioning: The battle of your mind, McGraw-Hill
    Education, 1st edn, New York, pages 224, ISBN: 9780071373586.

  8. Rogers, E 2010, Diffusion of Innovations, 4th edn, Simon and Schuster, pages
    518, ISBN: 9781451602470.

  9. Rogers, Е 2003, Diffusion of innovation, 5th edn, Free Press, pages 576, ISBN:

  10. Schumpeter, J 1983, The theory of economic development, Transaction publish-
    ers, New Brunswick, New Jersey, pages 255, ISBN: 0878556982.

  11. Schmookler, Ј 1966, Invention and economic growth, Harvard University Press,
    Cambridge, pages 332, ISBN: 9780674432833.

  12. Shapiro, B & Bonoma, T 1984, Segmenting the Industrial Market, 8th edn, Lex-
    ington Books, pages126, ISBN: 9780669094695.

  13. Silverstein, D, Samuel, P, & DeCarlo, N 2012, The Innovator's Toolkit: 50+
    Techniques for Predictable and Sustainable Organic Growth, 2nd edn, Wiley,
    pages 432, ISBN: 878-1118298107.

  14. Solimini, A 2014, S.A.L.E.S. =$OLD, Lulu Press, pages 114, ISBN:

  15. Strydom, J 2005, Introduction to marketing, Juta and Comapany Ltd, pages 330,
    ISBN: 9780702165115.

  16. Sudhakar, G 2015, Software development teams: performance, productivity and
    innovation, New Delhi, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd, pages 208, ISBN:

  17. Thompson, V 1969, Bureaucracy and Innovation, University of Alabama Press,
    pages 169, ISBN: 9780608051529.

  18. Tirole, J 1995, The Theory of Industrial Organization, MIT Press, Cambridge,
    pages 487, ISBN 0262200716.

  19. Ulwick, A 2005, What customers want: Using Outcome-Driven Innovation to
    Create Breakthrough Products and Services, McGraw-Hill Education, pages
    256, ISBN: 9780071408677.

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