How to Make Your Car Last Forever: Avoid Expensive Repairs, Improve Fuel Economy, Understand Your Warranty, Save Money

(singke) #1


Q We have a 1993 Tempo that just developed a problem with one

headlight. It keeps blowing the low-beam element on the driver’s side. It uses
a 9004 halogen plug-in element, and I have replaced it twice. It works for a
day, then blows. Do I have a moisture problem, wiring problem, or what? Is
there an easy way to test a circuit? Please let me know if you have seen this
before. Thank you.

John—Columbia,  South   Carolina


A Check the headlight lens for fogging. If moisture is present on the inside

of the lens, then it could be cracked, allowing the moisture in, thus blowing
the bulb. I would also check the wiring harness to the bulb and the plug.
These could be shorting, resulting in a blown bulb. Finally, if no moisture is
present and the wiring checks out, then check the headlight bucket assembly.
It could be loose and vibrating from road jarring, which in turn is blowing the
bulb. Good luck.

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