How to Make Your Car Last Forever: Avoid Expensive Repairs, Improve Fuel Economy, Understand Your Warranty, Save Money

(singke) #1


The cooling fan is designed to draw air across the face of the radiator core,
decreasing the temperature of the coolant as it flows through the radiator.
Cooling fans are either electrical or mechanical in nature. If electrical, their
operation is governed by a coolant temperature sensor. When the coolant
temperature reaches a certain level (usually 212 degrees Fahrenheit), voltage is
directed to the fan, causing it to kick on. When the coolant temperature drops
below the trigger level, the fan shuts off. A mechanical fan is belt driven by
either a serpentine or V-style belt that is powered by the engine’s pulley system.
Cooling system maintenance includes regular visual inspection of the
radiator, hoses, and water pump pulley for wear. It also includes checking
thermostat operation and coolant protection and condition. Have your car’s
cooling system checked every six months. A proper cooling system analysis
includes the following procedures:

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