Dalmia DSP Success Story

(Project Pridr) #1

buildings. Non-plant buildings including infrastructure and
material handling structure works contract were awarded
to HAPB Infra. The project team was simultaneously
working on the award of fabrication and erection contract
as early as possible. There was potential bidding from L&T,
Ayoki, HAPBCO, Petron, and others and after successful
negotiations with the parties, the mechanical contract
awarded to Ayoki and HAPBCO. Ayoki awarded with main
plant structures and HAPBCO awarded with LS crusher,
material handling system, and wagon loading system.
Engineering consultancy and PMC work were awarded to
Holtec in July 2019, which was a unique milestone achieved
even before the main EP package award.
Dalmia had invited proposals on EPC mode from the
reputed and established machinery suppliers for electrical
and automation works for the first time.
The entire 132 kV power distribution scheme was
finalized in-house before the award of the EPC order. As
per the scheme, permanent power for new plant operation
would be taken from existing line 1 bay; so accordingly
site survey was done with existing plant team and power
distribution scheme was finalized connecting line 1 bay
to project bay via an underground cable. The same was
considered in the tender document which prevented re-
engineering for 132 kV switchyard equipment and saved
Once we had all the main machinery offers on EP and
package mode, offers were techno-commercially evaluated
and presented to management with pros and cons of EP

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