Barron's - USA (2021-03-01)

(Antfer) #1
March1,2021 BARRON’S M31

Last Prev. Year
Week Week Ago

DJIndAvg 30932.37 31494.32 25409.36

P/E Ratio 32.92 33.74 19.73
Earns Yield % 3.04 2.96 5.07
Earns $ 939.62 933.50 1288.07
Divs Yield % 1.92 1.88 2.56
Divs $ 593.17 592.12 649.37
Mkt to Book 4.62 4.71 3.90
Book Value $ 6688.86 6688.86 6512.92

DJTransAvg 13331.27 13274.21 9388.19

P/E Ratio 0.00 0.00 16.16
Earns Yield % 0.00 0.00 6.19
Earns $ (248.70) (258.84) 580.84
Divs Yield % 1.15 1.16 1.84
Divs $ 153.79 153.67 173.16
Mkt to Book 3.93 3.92 2.90
Book Value $ 3389.19 3389.19 3239.67

DJUtilityAvg 795.61 846.51 839.96

P/E Ratio 21.85 23.81 24.17
Earns Yield % 4.58 4.20 4.14
Earns $ 36.42 35.56 34.75


DJ latest 52-week earnings and dividends adjusted by Dow Divisors at Friday's close. S&P Dec. 4-quarter's GAAP earnings as

reported and indicated dividends based on Friday close.S&P 500 P/E ratios based on GAAP earnings as reported. For additional


  1. r-Revised data

Market Laboratory


12-Month Weekly Friday Weekly 12-Month ChangeFrom
High Low High Low Close Chg. %Chg. Chg. %Chg. 12/31 %Chg.


31961.86 18591.93 30 Indus 31961.8630932.37 30932.37 –561.95 –1.78 5523.01 21.74 325.89 1.06
13630.55 6703.63 20 Transp 13630.5513331.27 13331.27 57.06 0.43 3943.08 42.00 824.34 6.59
926.14 610.89 15 Utilities 835.85 795.61 795.61 –50.90 –6.01 –44.35 –5.28 –69.03 –7.98
10547.40 6100.31 65 Comp 10547.4010231.46 10231.46 –183.66 –1.76 1836.83 21.88 122.75 1.21


41733.23 22462.76 US TSM Float 41490.0740254.06 40254.06 –1159.55 –2.80 10050.34 33.28 1034.44 2.64
1000.82 547.67 US Market 995.16 966.15 966.15 –27.28 –2.75 233.12 31.80 18.80 1.98
1101.29 487.28 Internet 1045.33 1005.78 1014.77 –64.71 –5.99 394.51 63.61 53.20 5.53


15539.42 8777.38 Comp-z 15539.4215010.47 15010.47 –352.23 –2.29 2629.50 21.24 485.66 3.34
9203.52 5036.38 Financial-z 9203.52 8853.18 8853.18 –52.77 –0.59 1151.83 14.96 560.33 6.76
20901.84 12991.76 Health Care-z 20108.5019760.30 19760.30 –315.86 –1.57 3395.44 20.75 –285.37 –1.42
8135.64 4032.17 Energy-z 8135.64 7750.92 7774.58 193.88 2.56 4.15 0.05 1271.80 19.56


2724.41 1317.22 NYSE Amer Comp2724.41 2601.66 2601.66 –37.47 –1.42 387.96 17.53 240.76 10.20
2869.35 1742.29 Major Mkt 2869.35 2775.17 2775.17 -20.07 –0.72 318.14 12.95 28.14 1.02


1803.14 1040.00 100 Index 1784.24 1731.42 1731.42 –51.26 –2.88 406.99 30.73 10.92 0.63
3934.83 2237.40 500 Index 3925.43 3811.15 3811.15 –95.56 –2.45 856.93 29.01 55.08 1.47
5549.23 3123.44 Indus 5490.48 5336.74 5336.74 –149.05 –2.72 1309.80 32.53 39.46 0.74
2577.70 1218.55 MidCap 2577.70 2496.26 2496.26 –39.13 –1.54 682.26 37.61 189.64 8.22
1323.76 595.67 SmallCap 1323.76 1278.56 1278.56 –10.21 –0.79 393.78 44.51 159.63 14.27


14095.47 6860.67 Comp 13597.9713119.43 13192.35 –682.12 –4.92 4624.98 53.98 304.06 2.36
13807.70 6994.29 100 Index 13302.1912828.31 12909.44 –671.34 –4.94 4447.61 52.56 21.16 0.16
11219.80 5239.66 Indus 10795.9610397.17 10454.86 –574.92 –5.21 3952.27 60.78 58.03 0.56
10700.32 6343.13 Insur 10700.3210356.95 10356.95 –207.28 –1.96 1308.01 14.45 270.52 2.68
4478.02 2136.72 Banks 4478.02 4288.98 4288.98 50.42 1.19 981.32 29.67 742.09 20.92
9689.72 4608.77 Computer 9319.59 8953.13 9039.78 –486.37 –5.11 3341.65 58.64 222.25 2.52
486.42 298.17 Telecom 471.19 464.56 465.96 –7.56 –1.60 105.71 29.34 –8.18 –1.72


2237.63 1224.45 1000 2224.34 2159.32 2159.32 –61.61 –2.77 524.11 32.05 38.45 1.81
2299.00 991.16 2000 2284.38 2200.17 2201.05 –65.64 –2.90 724.62 49.08 226.20 11.45
2387.37 1288.04 3000 2373.83 2303.22 2303.22 –65.92 –2.78 572.91 33.11 54.78 2.44
1458.11 838.37 Value-v 1458.11 1413.20 1413.20 –14.36 –1.01 227.27 19.16 63.57 4.71
2561.97 1322.15 Growth-v 2474.67 2397.50 2406.17 –112.17 –4.45 722.63 42.92 –21.60 –0.89
2970.81 1471.40 MidCap 2970.81 2883.46 2883.46 –80.16 –2.70 730.29 33.92 140.41 5.12


8998.62 3854.81 Value Line-a 8998.62 8714.01 8714.01 –129.34 –1.46 2910.04 50.14 800.98 10.12
638.89 305.71 Value Line-g 638.89 618.14 618.14 –10.48 –1.67 141.85 29.78 49.37 8.68
15175.38 6621.12 DJ US Small TSM15175.3814629.45 14631.81 –398.08 –2.65 4662.43 46.77 1383.14 10.44
943.31 455.11 Barron's 400 943.31 913.00 913.00 –21.32 –2.28 269.59 41.90 60.80 7.14



SEC Form 144 must be filed by holders of restricted securities (also called letter stock) who intend to sell shares. Shares Indi-


has filed a Form144.) Source: Thomson Reuters

Shares Sale
Company Sym Indicated $Value Date Seller Title

Palantir Technologies PLTR 1,150,000 31,142,000 2/18/21 Cohen, Stephen AF

Palantir Technologies PLTR 600,000 16,212,000 2/19/21 Sankar,Shyam O

Palantir Technologies PLTR 550,000 13,843,500 2/19/21 Cohen, Stephen AF

Palantir Technologies PLTR 503,864 13,644,637 2/18/21 Long, Matthew AF

Tradeweb Markets TW 500,000 34,500,000 2/19/21 Olesky,Lee AF

Johnson Controls International JCI 396,770 21,028,810 2/12/21 Stief, Brian AF

Peloton Interactive PTON 300,000 46,401,000 2/16/21 Foley, John AF

Peloton Interactive PTON 291,669 45,112,444 2/16/21 Lynch, William AF

Allovir ALVR 283,000 12,205,790 2/16/21 Vera, Juan AF

Duck Creek Technologies DCT 220,300 12,546,085 2/19/21 Van Biert,Eugene AF


Last Prev. Year YOY
Week Week Ago %Chg

NYSE(a) 6,457,684 3,990,927 3,725,152 73.35
30 Dow Inds (b) 2,257,967 1,361,906 1,101,762 104.94
20 Dow Trans (b) 808,548 387,930 186,794 332.85
15 Dow Utils (b) 325,569 215,993 197,690 64.69
65 Dow Stks (b) 3,392,084 1,965,829 1,486,246 128.23
NYSE American (a) 222,693 214,495 74,151 200.32
Nasdaq(d) 31,693,847 27,845,427 20,240,660 56.59
NYSE 15 Most Active
Average Price 23.58 23.46 17.88 31.88
% Tot Vol 22.19 19.43 16.48 34.65
Stock Offerings $(z,v) 12,391,500 r7,964,800 2,554,500 385.09


Daily 2/22 2/23 2/24 2/25 2/26

NYSE(a) 1,153,825 1,262,950 1,186,441 1,237,365 1,617,103
30 Inds (b) 389,675.1 461,919.2 413,352.6 454,113.1 538,907.0
20 Trans (b) 198,982.3 170,137.2 167,359.1 156,056.9 116,012.3
15 Utils (b) 64,380.4 60,668.2 63,580.5 63,344.9 73,595.3
65 Stks (b) 653,037.8 692,724.6 644,292.1 673,514.8 728,514.7
NYSE Amer(a) 45,629 54,402 40,658 36,453 45,551
Nasd(d) 6,428,869 7,415,405 5,637,245 6,323,200 5,889,128
NYSE 15 Most Active
Avg. Price 16.24 20.91 24.60 26.79 24.89
% Tot Vol 21.88 22.48 21.72 25.41 20.38
volume. (b)Compositevolume.(d)asof4:10pm.(r)Revised.(v)

Divs Yield % 3.48 3.27 3.08
Divs $ 27.71 27.66 25.85
Mkt to Book 2.13 2.26 2.26
Book Value $ 374.40 374.40 370.98

S&P500Index 3811.15 3906.71 2954.22
P/E Ratio 38.80 39.78 22.23
Earns Yield % 2.58 2.51 4.50
Earns $ 98.22 98.22 132.90
Divs Yield % 1.53 1.48 2.08
Divs $ 58.31 57.82 61.45
Mkt to Book 4.17 4.27 3.47
Book Value $ 914.49 914.49 851.62

S&PIndIndex 5336.74 5485.79 4026.94
P/E Ratio 43.97 45.20 25.02
Earns Yield % 2.27 2.21 4.00
Earns $ 121.36 121.36 160.94
Divs Yield % 1.37 1.33 1.91
Divs $ 73.11 72.96 76.91
Mkt to Book 5.65 5.81 4.56
Book Value $ 944.26 944.26 883.41

Last Prev. Year
Week Week Ago










EURO in $


YEN in $


DXY (90.93)


Source: Tullett Prebon

Big Green:As Treasury yields widened, traders sought the dollar’s security. The U.S.

Dollar Index rose 0.6% for the week, to finish at 90.93.


This index is an weighted average of 50 leading issues.

Useful in security valuation. Source: Barron's Stats

Feb25 Feb18 Feb Yr-to-Yr
2021 2021 2020 %Chg

S&P 500 Index 3829.34 3913.97 3267.93 17.18

Barron's 50 Index 10003.679896.39 9721 2.91

Projected quarterly earn 22.10 14.67 101.43 –78.21

Annualized projected earn 88.40 58.69 405.71 –78.21

Annualized projected P/E 113.17 168.62 24.1 369.63

Five-year average earn 380.76 379.28 397.94 –4.31

Five-year average P/E 26.27 26.09 24.4 7.53

Year-end earn 314.70 314.70 388.42 –18.98

Year-end P/E 31.79 31.45 25.0 26.91

Year-end earns yield, % 3.15 3.18 4.0 –21.54

Best grade bond yields, % 1.64 1.40 2.29 –28.38

Bond yields/stock ylds, % 0.52 0.44 0.57 –9.28

Actual year-end divs 210.37 210.92 221.29 –4.94

Actual yr-end divs yld, % 2.10 2.13 2.28 –7.89



Day When Last
Issued* Auction


$54.0bil 3-month 0.040 0.030

$51.0bil 6-month 0.058 0.046




This is a list of the Dow Jones trailing 52-week diluted

share earnings, dividends and book values as reported

by the company. Bolded numbers indicate new values.

Sources Barron's Stats and FactSet.

Earns Divs. Value

Am Exp 3.76 1.72 28.48
Amgen 12.31 6.56 16.36
Apple 3.28 0.82 20.37
Boeing (20.75)Suspended(15.31)
Caterpillar 5.46 4.12 26.52
Chevron Corp (2.96) 5.16 76.62
Cisco Sys 2.46 1.44 7.90
Coca Cola 1.92 1.64 4.43
Disney Walt (2.74) 0.00 49.90
Dow (3.17) 2.80 18.26
Goldman Sachs25.40 5.00227.62
Home Depot 11.93 6.00 (2.89)
Honeywell 6.72 3.6626.01
IBM 6.24 6.52 23.49
Intel 4.94 1.337 18.07

Earns Divs. Value

Johnson&John 5.51 4.0422.59
JPMorgChase 8.87 3.60 75.98
McDonalds 6.55 5.08(11.00)
Merck Co 2.77 2.48 10.20
Microsoft 6.70 2.14 15.63
Nike Inc 0.78 1.04 5.17
Proc Gam 5.29 3.162 18.40
3M Co 9.25 5.89 17.50 4.39 0.00 37.95
Travelers Cos 10.31 3.37101.54
UnitedHealth Grp 16.03 4.83 60.78
Verizon 4.29 2.485 14.84
Visa 4.88 1.24 13.53
Walgreens (0.81) 1.86 26.26
Wal-mart 4.73 2.16 26.36

Alaska AirGroup(10.56)Suspended35.21
Avis Budget Grp(9.73) Nil 8.86
C.H. Robinson 3.71 2.04 12.39
CSX Corp 3.60 1.0615.32
Delta Air Lines (19.51)Suspended23.89
Expeditors Int'l 4.08 1.04 12.94
FedEx 9.19 2.60 69.84
Hunt (JB) 4.74 1.09 21.34
JetBlue Air (3.03) Nil 17.02

KC Southern 6.55 1.64 45.95
Kirby Corp (3.22) Nil 56.18
Landstar Sys 4.55 0.815 18.28
Matson Inc 4.41 0.91 18.78
Norf Southern 7.86 3.81 58.87
Ryder Sys (2.42) 2.24 46.48
Southwest Air (2.79) 0.00 18.94
Un Pacific 7.88 3.88 26.19
UPS 1.63 4.05 3.81
United Airlines (16.45) Nil 45.90

AES Corp. (0.52) 0.579 4.51
Am Elec 4.44 2.88 39.73
American WaterWorks 3.91 2.20 33.85
Atmos Energy 5.15 2.34 48.18
Con Ed 3.29 3.06 54.12
DominionEnergy(0.52) 3.45 35.33
Duke Energy 1.73 3.84 61.20
Edison Int'l 1.98 2.567 36.75

Exelon 2.01 1.53 33.12
FirstEnergy 2.00 1.56 12.90
NextEra Energy 1.99 1.40 75.67
Xcel Energy 2.80 1.72 25.24
Pub Sv Ent 3.76 1.96 29.94
Sempra Energy12.78 4.18 60.58
Southn Co. 2.95 2.54 25.03



American Public Education 3,200,000 $25.00 $80,000,000

Avita Medical 2,795,000 $21.50 $60,092,500

Brainsway 9,244,000 $8.50 $39,287,000

Carnival 40,450,619 $25.10$1,015,310,537

Celcuity 1,714,000 $14.00 $23,996,000

Focus Financial Ptnrs 7,000,000 $48.00 $336,000,000

Freshpet 2,415,000 $143.00 $345,345,000

Green Plains 8,751,500 $23.00 $201,284,500

InflaRxNV 15,000,000 $5.00 $75,000,000

ScoreMedia & Gaming 6,000,000 $27.00 $162,000,000

Shopify 1,180,000 $1,315.00$1,551,700,000

Tronox 19,108,970 $18.25 $348,738,703



The Delta MSI measures the position of ~1,800 stocks relative to an
intermediate-term moving average crossover (MAC) point. When
market is bullish and equities are attractive. When the indicator is
below 50%, risk is elevated and stock exposures should be reduced.

Last 2Weeks 3Weeks

CurrentSentiment Week Ago Ago

BULLISH 78.1% 84.2% 86.1%


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