038840engo 2

(gutman) #1
The slave trade
and the peopling of Santo Domingo


Group providing most imports: Bantu
(Angola Coast).
Number of Negroes declared: 17,432.^1
Group providing most runaways: Bantu
(Kongos), out of about 2,600 an-


Papers consulted: Affiches Américaines,
Supplément aux Affiches Américaines,
Feuille du Cap-François and twice-
weekly supplement.
Number of slave-ships: 87.
Declared provenance: (a) Guiñean
group (Gold Coast, 44; Guinea
Coast, 0); (b) Bantu group (Angola
Coast, 20); (c) Sudanese group (Se-
negal, 14); and (d) other places
(Mozambique, African Coast, Sierra
Leone, Gabon, Quiola.
Group providing most imports: Guiñean
(Gold Coast).
Number of Negroes declared: 22,726.^2
Group providing most runaways: Bantu
(Kongos), out of about 2,500 an-


Papers consulted: Feuille du Cap-
François and Affiches Américaines,
published Thursdays and Saturdays.
Number of slave-ships: 36.

  1. The total number of negroes imported in
    1786 is 27,648, i.e. 2,592 at Léogâne, 873 at
    Jacmel, 385 at Les Cayes, 2,014 at Saint-
    Marc, 12,319 at the Cape, and 9,465 at
    Port-au-Prince (Affiches Américaines,
    10 March 1787).

  2. Bryan Edwards gives a figure of 30,839 for
    Negroes imported in 1787. The nine car-
    goes shown under 'other places' include
    4 from Mozambique, 4 from the Gold
    Goast, and 1 from the coast of Africa.

Declared provenance: (a) Guiñean
group (Gold Coast, 16; Guinea
Coast, 0); (b) Bantu group (Angola
Coast, 19); and (c) Sudanese group
(Senegal, 1).
Group providing most imports: Bantu.
Number of Negroes declared: 12,048.^3
Group providing most runaways: Bantu
(Kongos), out of about 2,800 an-


Papers consulted: Affiches Américaines,
Supplément aux Affiches Américaines,
Feuille du Cap-François and supple-
ment; various other news items.
Number of slave-ships: 120.
Declared provenance: (a) Guiñean
group (Gold Coast, 48; Guinea
Coast, 2); (b) Bantu group (Angola
Coast, 44; Mozambique, 10); (c)
Sudanese group (Senegal, 6; Gambia,
1); and (d) other places (not specified,
Unusual provenances: Isles of Los (at
the entrance to the port of Conakry,
Guinea), 1 ; Cape of Good Hope
(Bantu), 1 ; He de France (east of
Madagascar; now Mauritius), 2;
Prince's Isle (gulf of Guinea); 1; a
total of 5, of which 3 are Bantu.
Group providing most imports: Bantu.
Number of Negroes declared: 33,937.^4
Group providing most runaways: Bantu
(Kongos), out of about 3,150 an-

  1. Bryan Edwards gives 29,506 Negroes
    imported in 1788. At least two cargoes
    declared as being from the ' Angola Coast'
    were from Mozambique.

  2. The announcements of slave-ships arriving
    in 1789 mention the Cape, Port-au-Prince,
    Les Cayes, Jérémie, Jacmel, Léogâne and

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