038840engo 2

(gutman) #1
284 Jean Fouchard

Number of slave-ships: 29.
Declared provenance: (a) Guiñean
group (Gold Coast, 13; Guinea
Coast, l);^1 (b) Bantu group (Angola
Coast, 9); (c) Sudanese group (Sene-
gal, 3); and (d) other places (Porto-
Cabello, Cape of Good Hope, 3).
Group providing most imports: Guiñean.
Number of Negroes declared: 5,531.
Group providing most runaways: Bantu
(Kongos), out of 1,386 announce-


Papers consulted: Afßches Américaines
and Supplément aux Affiches Amé-
Number of slave-ships: 71.
Declared provenance: (a) Guiñean
group (Gold Coast, 27; Guinea
Coast, 0); (b) Bantu group (Angola
Coast, 37); and (c) Sudanese group
(Senegal, 7).
Group providing most imports: Bantu
(Angola Coast).
Number of Negroes declared: 14,161?

  1. This cargo is said to the ' from the Coast of
    Guinea', but at the sale the same cargo
    is referred to as 'Negroes from the Gold
    Coast'. Similar errors in the location of
    certain ports or even of certain ethnic
    groups are corrected in the statistics which

  2. A table showing arrivals of slave-ships
    for 1784 was published in the Affiches in
    1785. This table shows 82 ships, a figure
    fairly near the one given above, but as
    against the 14,767 Negroes indicated
    above as put up for sale, it says that
    22,830 were obtained for the trade, of
    whom 3,578 died during the crossing. This
    brings the real number of imports to
    19,252. The table deals only with sales of
    Negroes in the ports at the Cape and at
    Port-au-Prince, omitting other slaving
    ports in Santo Domingo such as Saint-
    Marc, Léogâne, St Louis, etc.

Group providing most runaways: Bantu
(Kongos), out of 1,489 announce-


Papers consulted: Affiches Américaines
and Supplément aux Affiches Améri-
caines (enlarged format from 1785
Number of slave-ships: 50.
Declared provenance: (a) Guiñean
group (Gold Coast, 20; Guinea
Coast, 1); (b) Bantu group (Angola
Coast, 23); (c) Sudanese group
(Senegal, 5); and (d) other places
(Mozambique, 1).
Group providing most imports: Bantu
(Angola Coast).
Number of negroes declared: 12.148.^3
Group providing most runaways: Bantu
(Kongos), out of about 2,400 an-


Papers consulted: Affiches Américaines,
Supplément aux Affiches Américaines,
Feuille du Cap-François and Feuille
du Port-au-Prince (with supplement).
Number of slave-ships: 62.
Declared provenance: (a) Guiñean
group (Gold Coast, 22 ; Guinea Coast,
0); (b) Bantu group (Angola Coast,
27) ; (c) Sudanese group (Senegal, 11) ;
and (d) other places (Mozambi-
cans, 2).

  1. The Affiches published in 1786 a summary
    table for 1785 with the following figures:
    number of slave-ships, 65; number of
    slaves sold, 21,652. This time it is speci-
    fied that this figure concerns the ports of
    Port-au-Prince, the Cape, Léogâne, Les
    Cayes, Saint-Marc and Jacmel.

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