The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1


of malonic acid). There is never any free malonic acid in
healthy animals.
There is a very important reason for never having free ma-
lonic acid in our bodies anywhere. Malonic acid is an extremely
potent metabolic inhibitor. In whatever organ it is found, your
metabolism is slowed down. In fact it almost grinds to a halt.
Then this organ can’t use as much oxygen, nor make as much
energy (body energy is called ATP) as it should. Consequently
we make fewer amino acids and can’t make as much protein as
we should. This leads to lowered immunity by reducing glu-
tathione. The organ is extremely handicapped. There is even a
direct effect of malonate on immunity.^33

Although the malonate forming food plants have other fine
properties and are otherwise nutritious, the presence of ma-
lonate puts them off limits to anyone trying to improve their
health. Fortunately, plants without malonates are in the major-

Malonate-Free Foods
Here is the malonate-free food list; stick to it; do not eat
foods that are not listed. The fastest way to recover the health of
the tumorous organ, or any other organ, is to stop poisoning it
with malonic acid. You may notice the difference in a few days.
There is an extra benefit for persons who switch to a ma-
lonate-free diet. You may notice a higher body temperature af-
ter a few weeks, which brings with it a rosier complexion.
Overweight persons may experience a slow, steady weight loss!

(^33) The Effect of Malonate on Salmonella typhimurium Infection in
Mice, Berry, L. Joe and Mitchell, Roland B., Science, Vol. 118, p 140

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