The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1


Stop Using Supplements
Stop using your vitamin supplements. This is the saddest,
most tragic part of your instructions. They, too, are heavily
polluted with the same solvents used in food processing: ben-
zene, isopropyl alcohol, wood alcohol, xylene, toluene, methyl-
ene chloride, methyl ethyl ketone, methyl butyl ketone, and
others. I also see heavy metals and malonic acid in 90% or
more of the popular vitamin and mineral capsules and tablets I
test. These substances will do more harm in the long run than
the supplement can make up for in benefits.

Supplements are a gamble. The most recent tests using the
Syncrometer unfortunately showed that many popular varieties
of vitamin C now are polluted with thulium (a harmful lantha-
nide). Similarly, all homeopathic medicines had traces of ben-
zene, isopropyl alcohol and wood alcohol. Even some newly

Fig. 67 Assorted supplements
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