The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1


Why do only some people accumulate benzene although we
all use benzene polluted products? The answer, of course, lies
in how much benzene we get. But is that all? Since aflatoxin
causes isopropyl alcohol build up could another mycotoxin
cause benzene buildup? A search of 13 mycotoxins showed that
one was 100% correlated with benzene buildup.
Zearalenone, a corn mold toxin, is responsible. It is in corn
chips, popcorn and brown rice. Persons with benzene buildup
have been eating these foods. Stop eating them. Eat white rice.
The toxicity of zearalenone is much more important than the
nutritional difference.
Because benzene accumulates
in the thymus and bone marrow,
our two most important immune
building organs, we would expect
a drop in immunity. All persons
with AIDS have a benzene
buildup. As benzene pollution
worsens, many more people must
experience immunity loss.
Vitamin B 2 specifically helps
the body detoxify benzene to
phenol. If your immunity is low,
that is, your white blood cell
count is below 5000 per mm^3 ,
take 300 mg with each meal. If
you already have AIDS take 600
mg with each meal. And don’t
visit tanning booths. Ultraviolet
light destroys the B 2 already in your body.

Fig. 66 Lubricated con-
doms have benzene.
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