the lower abdomen. A year ago he had prostatectomy and a cyst re-
moved. A few months ago another cyst was removed from the right
testicle. Nothing has helped the pain. At surgery, the doctor told him he
had early cancer. But PSA was not high (1.1), as expected for prostate
cancer. He picked up Candida after the surgery. He also has pain over the
rib cage, in both elbows, and at his right knee. He is fatigued but forces
himself to exercise. His urination is with extreme urgency, causing him
to panic if not near a toilet.
: Ortho-phospho-tyrosine (Cancer) YES at prostate
: Fasciolopsis (Parasite) YES at colon and liver
: Fasciolopsis cercaria (Parasite) YES at prostate and liver
Fasciolopsis remaining stages (Parasite) NO
Start parasite program.
BLOOD TEST Result Comment
- RBC low (4.72) parasites
- Creatinine high (1.2) kidney problem
- FBS low (79) unusually low - will check for pancre-
atic fluke - Potassium very low (3.7) adrenals
- Chloride very low adrenals
- CO2 very high lung problem, probable cause of
panic attacks, look for air pollutant
: Pancreatic fluke (Parasite) YES at pancreas
Probable cause of low blood sugar.
Ten days later
Ortho-phospho-tyrosine (Cancer) NO
Protein 24 (HIV) NO
Fasciolopsis adults (Parasite) NO
: Fasciolopsis redia (Parasite) YES at prostate
Fasciolopsis remaining stages (Parasite) NO
: Pancreatic fluke (Parasite) YES
: Wood Alcohol (Solvent) YES
: Isopropyl Alcohol (Solvent) YES
Stop shampoo, shaving chemicals, mouthwash, cold cereal.