: Mineral oil (Toxic Element) YES
Stop using lotions. Continue parasite program. Note: He is full of
wood alcohol, which has a tendency to accumulate in the pancreas.
This allows the fluke family to develop and multiply in the pancreas.
He is to stop eating undercooked chicken, turkey, beef. He will stop
drinking commercial beverages.
: Cadmium (Toxic Element) YES
Plumbing or old tooth fillings.
: Copper (Toxic Element) YES
Has copper water pipes.
: Iridium (Toxic Element) YES
Needs to change metal frame glasses to plastic.
: Hafnium (Toxic Element) YES
Stop hair spray or see Recipes.
: Thallium, Germanium (Toxic Element) YES
Thallium and germanium together point at metal tooth fillings.
Thallium is a deadly toxin, polluting the mercury alloy. He is to see
dentist immediately to remove all metal. Toxic element test is not
yet completed. Note: cancer is gone but Robert is still at high risk
for it.
Eight weeks later
All dental work is complete. He still has abdominal cramping.
: Beryllium (Toxic Element) YES
There is a door between garage and kitchen - will cover with plastic
or park vehicles outside.
: Cobalt (Toxic Element) YES
Off detergent.
: Asbestos (Toxic Element) YES
Needs to change clothes dryer belt.
: Copper (Toxic Element) YES
: Chromate (Toxic Element) YES
Needs to change metal glasses to plastic.
: Cesium (Toxic Element) YES
No source found.