1 tsp. thyme, fenugreek or both. (Capsules are freshest. The
combination is available as Fenuthyme, see Sources.)
1 tsp. vitamin C powder
½ tsp. brown sugar
Combine the ingredients in a clean salad dressing bottle.
Shake. Refrigerate. The basic recipe is the oil and vinegar in a
2:1 ratio. After mixing these, add any pure spice desired. Or add
home made cottage cheese for a creamy texture.
Pasta Pizza Sauce or Red Sauce
Here are two sauces that are excellent on pasta, pizza or sal-
3 red peppers, chopped or in chunks
1 small onion
3 tbs. olive oil
salt to taste
1 cup water
½ cup white distilled vinegar
Sauce No. 1: Sauté peppers and onion in olive oil for a few
minutes. Add generous sprinkling of salt and a cup of water and
bring to a boil. Cover pan, lower burner heat and cook for three
to five more minutes. Mash (or put into blender) and add vine-
gar. Blend for a few seconds and add salt (if by taste more is
needed). May be kept up to a month in refrigerator if stored in a
glass jar with plastic or wooden lid.
Sauce No. 2: Same as Sauce No. 1 except that when a
sprinkling of salt is put into pan also add a ½ capsule each of
cloves, fenuthyme, and turmeric.
Sour Cream-C
2 cups heavy whipping Cream, boiled 10 seconds with a pinch of salt
and chilled