The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1


Endogenous Isopropyl Alcohol Means Made-In-
There is another, even more fiendish source of isopropyl al-
cohol. Certain bacteria of the Clostridium family make it! A
portion of our colon bacteria are Clostridium varieties. It is con-
sidered “normal.” Yet, children’s bowel contents tested nega-
tive^17 for the six Clostridium species I searched for. Instead
they had Bifidus varieties (a “good” bacteria). I think absence of
Clostridium and presence of Bifidus is truly normal, even for
Perhaps only a few varieties of Clostridium make isopropyl
alcohol. I have found only one reference to this in the classical
literature. It states that Clostridium toacum makes isopropyl al-
cohol in its metabolism. Perhaps this species is also present,
although I cannot test for it yet. In any case, I usually see all six
species of Clostridium in the intestinal tract of cancer patients.
Only in cancer patients have Clostridium species invaded the
upper parts of the intestine, too, not only the lower parts, so
much more isopropyl alcohol may be made. In fact the esopha-
gus and stomach are frequently colonized as well! The Syn-
crometer easily detects the isopropyl alcohol being made in the
intestines when Clostridium is present.
Evidently, the bacteria burrow through the walls of the in-
testine, find the tumor site, and colonize there, producing iso-
propyl alcohol. Is it any wonder that the body runs out of
detoxifying capability for this antiseptic?

(^17) Based on 3 children, ages 2, 5 and 6: two specimens tested
per child.

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