should develop and require testing sticks for Salmonella and E.
coli for restaurant use.
Best is to choose homemade food. If you must eat in a res-
taurant you must take extra precautions. After your food arrives,
pile it all on one plate and ask to have it heated in the micro-
wave uncovered for three more minutes. Also dot it with 15
drops of hydrochloric acid, mixing as well as possible. Accom-
pany with a beverage that has another three drops hydrochloric
acid added. Do not eat raw salads unless you can dunk them in
Lugol’s while dining. Take Lugol’s iodine drops with you when
eating out. Put 1 drop in a glass of water to sterilize raw food
during the meal. (This advice is only for cancer patients, and
only in restaurants, until they are well. Others would risk oxi-
dizing too many food elements.)
Whenever one of our patients became bloated or gassy, we
routinely identified the bacteria that were eaten. Then we lo-
cated the source. It wasn’t the dust in their room, their water,
their fingers, nor was it a “bug that was going around.” It came
from the food they had recently eaten! Most of our patients’
“mysterious” setbacks, like headaches, fever, abdominal pain,
nausea, diarrhea, and pain in general turned out to be caused by
food bacteria. So don’t be too discouraged if you suffer a set-
back. Before you blame it on the cancer, go through the bacte-
ria-killing recipe (see page 141); stop eating suspect food and
throw out those leftovers!
Can The Government Protect Us?
Certainly the United States Government tries. An independ-
ent group of chemists was formed about 1969: the International
Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) Working Group on the
Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. They
have met regularly. They have assessed chemical risks in great
detail, establishing criteria in the best scientific manner. But are
these criteria the best for you?