strength of the blood up so liquid cannot seep out and cause
edema. Urea in pure crystalline form (28 grams in a liter of wa-
ter in one day) is often given by mouth to cancer patients in al-
ternative treatment centers, especially for liver cancer (provided
the blood level of BUN is not already too high). It is well toler-
ated and does not raise the BUN for several weeks, after which
it can be stopped.
Ornithine and arginine both play a role in the urea synthesis
cycle probably expanding it and speeding it up and thereby
helping the liver detoxify the whole body from ammonia. It is
like supplying more trucks and wagons to do a hauling job. Re-
moving ammonia returns each cell to a less alkaline state, giv-
ing strength to the cells’ own ability to kill bacteria (lysosomes
must keep themselves acidic). Arginine is particularly beneficial
in combating clostridium bacteria. But it takes a lot of arginine
to keep up with the ammonia production of a moderate clos-
tridium infection. Three tablespoons was needed at first to con-
trol Clostridium in tumors. After finding the real source of
Clostridium (Rabbit fluke and tooth microleakage) and getting
rid of them, we could reduce the dose to one sixth of that!
There may be an actual shortage of ornithine and arginine in
the tumorous tissue because these amino acids are consumed in
the manufacture of polyamines. During cell division large
quantities of diamines and polyamines are made to somehow
satisfy the needs of chromosomes. The enzymes, arginase and
ornithine decarboxylase, makers of these polyamines, are al-
ways working overtime (remember that cobalt stimulates ar-
ginase) in cancer patients and using up arginine and ornithine.
This way a shortage of arginine and ornithine could easily de-
velop and stall the urea synthesis cycle. This would worsen the
ammonia buildup, ruin cells’ immunity, and allow a runaway
Clostridium infection.
When you begin to feel sleepy by daytime, the ornithine
dose can be reduced but not the arginine dose.