coats your white blood cells. These two effects raise your im-
mune power. Soon bacteria can be devoured again and the white
blood cells fill up with asbestos, lanthanides and bacteria, evi-
dence for their ability to devour them again.
The high strength magnet has more purposes. It will stop
DNA production by Clostridium without disturbing your own.
To achieve this you must sit on the N pole for ½ hour daily (not
Do not position the magnet over the heart. Do not use the
high strength magnet if you have a pacemaker.
Remove Calcium Deposits
Vitamin D can induce inositol phosphates IP6, IP2 and IP3
to appear in the correct ratios even when none were there be-
fore. This results in disappearance of calcium deposits much
faster than if using only the magnet. A hard bony tumor may
begin to soften in a few days. Use 25,000 units of cholecalcif-
erol daily for 21 days. No more. It can be toxic. Use only if cal-
cium levels are below 9.7.
Digest the Tumor
Enzymes, including pancreatin, lipase, DNAse, peroxidase,
and catalase are produced by the body in large amounts. The
Syncrometer detects all these in every organ. But not in the tu-
mor or its white blood cells.
We have been taught that digestive enzymes stay in the di-
gestive tract. And that eating them would do no good since they
would be themselves digested. This may be partly true, but only
partly. The tumor can be deluged with pancreatin and lipase by
taking 1 tsp. of each between meals 3 times a day. “Enzyme
therapy” was discovered long ago by cancer therapists and was
built into several alternative programs. But will the flood of en-
zymes digest the tumor? Only if lanthanides and the calcium
deposits they cause are gone, so the cell “flag” may be raised,
saying “I am ready for digestion...come and get me.” The flag,