phosphatidyl serine appears on the cell surface when calcium
deposits, particularly calcium triphosphate, are gone. At this
point the enzymes are exceedingly swift. In one week a large
bite can be missing from the tumor.
We use horseradish sauce (Heinz brand) to supply peroxi-
dase and catalase since the dried herb is missing catalase. Use
three tsp. daily on food.
Intravenous (IV) Supplements
If you are a caregiver, you might notice that in spite of all
the good intentions your patient has to eat and take supple-
ments, day after day passes and it simply does not happen.
There are reasons beyond anyone’s control for not eating. If
your patient continues to lose weight, they are not eating
enough. Provide the richest, highest calorie food you can. Pre-
pare it in the most appealing way you can. But if they have not
eaten food for two days, you must give IV feedings. The IV
feedings should include fat and protein, not merely sugar. It is
common practice to give terminal cancer patients dextrose-
water (glucose/sugar) alone as nourishment. Perhaps it seems
justified to clinical personnel since better nutrition would only
delay the final event. I recommend an intensive feeding pro-
gram including a liquid amino acid mixture and a fat emulsion
(see Sources). If blood albumin levels are low (below three), a
bottle of albumin should be given daily as well (alternate days
as condition improves). Along with these nutritional IVs, hefty
doses of vitamins and minerals should be given (see IV Reci-
Unfortunately, I find that the IV bags and bottles of in-
jectable supplements are often polluted with antiseptics, heavy
metals, bacteria and even Ascaris eggs and larvae! The bags
themselves seep plastic because the Syncrometer finds polyvi-
nyl chloride inside (a carcinogen!). For this reason we use only
glass IV bottles. Since you cannot test easily for bacteria, you
should give each 500 ml IV bottle one ml of ethyl alcohol