Don’t forget to go for your blood tests. Continue wearing
the magnets and sitting on the big magnet.
Day 11, 13
Repeat day 9.
Day 15 To 21
Continue repeating Day 8 on even days (16, 18, 20) and Day
9 on odd days (15, 17, 19, 21), except change glutathione to 10
gm (twenty 500 mg capsules), and vitamin B 2 to 6 gm (twenty
300 mg capsules) every day. This is a compromise between
high and low doses in order to accomplish some of each. Also
reduce coenzyme Q10 to one capsule (400 mg) except Day 19.
If you were using the Topical Tumor Shrinkers, and you
took last week off (because of hypervitaminosis A) you may be
ready to resume (including oral vitamin A).
How Well Did You Do?
How do you know you have opened and detoxified all your
tumors? Each high dose day drains one tumor, so five tumors
require about 10 days. Numerous small ones occasionally open
together. If you have 4 or 5 large tumors, chances are they will
open one at a time; this is an advantage. You should wait till the
liver and kidney have recovered somewhat as seen on a blood
test (steady transaminases, GGT, and bilirubin) before opening
the next one. The proof that tumors are gone is only seen on a
scan. The proof that toxicity is gone is only seen on the blood
test (LDH, alkaline phosphatase, globulin and iron are com-
pletely normal). This will not happen unless even small leftover
bits of dyes, asbestos, inorganic germanium and lanthanides
have left the body. They may be stuck in the lysosomes or nu-