cleus of the liver cells or tumor cells, still causing mutations and
still keeping the blood levels abnormal. Continue the program
until these tests are normal. The chance is quite good that it will
happen by the 21 st day!
It is time to assess the results.
- Review your latest blood test.
- Review a new scan.
- Compare pain level.
- Compare functional level, appetite, and energy.
All these results should show beginning improvement. If
they did not, you reinfected too frequently with parasites or
bacteria. If dental work is not complete, this could explain the
bacterial reinfection. You should also assume you are reinfect-
ing with parasites from raw unsterilized food. If you are not in
absolute control of this, stop eating raw food. Start over again.
Repeat the parasite killing program, plus mop-up on the same
schedule as before. Assume you still have a tooth infection even
if the pain is somewhere else. Find a dentist using digital X-rays
to be sure there is no leftover plastic or a tattoo. If you see a
suspicious site, use DMSO again as mouthwash, plus EDTA
and vitamin C as before to draw out the toxins. Be sure to in-
clude the magnet therapy. If your mouth has the odor of decay,
water pick for a whole day, one half hour on and one half hour
off. Stop taking any supplement that is not listed. Stop using
any herb or spice or supplement from a can or bottle unless it is
treated with vitamin B 2 and hydrochloric acid. Stop using a
cosmetic or hair dye for which you did not find a substitute.
Wear no unwashed, unbleached clothing. Of course, you have
been reinfecting from your own draining tumors, too, which is
unavoidable. Continue the high-dose, low-dose alternating
regimen for vitamin B 2 and glutathione during the third week if
the scan still shows the original tumors. If diarrhea occurs, re-