illness to a later time when they were well again. It is based on
judgment, not statistics, and it wouldn’t surprise me if others
disagree with me. However the body stays surprisingly constant
when it is healthy, making the task of identifying healthy values
fairly easy.
Sometimes your laboratory will have a wildly different
range for a particular test than the ranges I have listed, even
though the units are identical! That is because there are different
types of tests for the same substance. You should scale your re-
sult, then, before comparing it to the ranges in my chart. For ex-
ample if your lab’s range goes from 240 to 380 but our lab’s
range goes from 120 to 200, you can assume that your lab’s
procedures roughly double the results. Therefore you must di-
vide your result in half before comparing it to our lab’s range.
Let us return to the blood sugar, glucose. It should never be
lower than 80 mg/DL whether you have fasted before the test or
not. The liver should always be able to make blood sugar for
you, even if you have not eaten recently. The liver stores a re-
serve of blood sugar for this purpose. If yours is below eighty,
the liver is not able to keep your level up, either because its
stores are empty, or for other reasons.
Cancer patients have a special disability in that part of their
liver metabolism that makes and stores blood sugar. At the same
time, cancer patients use up more blood sugar than normal,
healthy persons, so the blood sugar drops as cancer advances.
As you recover, the liver will regain this function. If your blood
sugar is already below seventy, you must eat throughout the day
to re-nourish your body. Your body must be nourished to heal.
You should eat the richest, most nourishing (but safe) foods you
can find. If your blood sugar is over 90, you are still in good
condition. You must work hard to eat enough high calorie, nu-
tritious food to keep this figure from dropping.
There are only three categories of foods: carbohydrate, fat,
and protein. All your carbohydrate foods, potatoes, rice, grains,
pasta, vegetables, and fruit, are turned into blood sugar by the
body’s chief factory, the liver.