Why couldn’t we simply eat glucose (also called dextrose,
or confectioner’s sugar) to supply it all? Because there are many
food-factors packed into ordinary foods that you would miss by
eating plain sugar. Nevertheless, if no food can be digested, a
beverage of honey water or maple syrup in water will sustain
you for several days, until you are able to eat. If vitamins, min-
erals, amino acids, fats, and a few extra nutrient factors are
added, you can be sustained for six weeks, plenty of time for
tumors pressing on the liver or intestine to shrink enough to let
regular food pass again. If you are a caregiver and your patient
refuses all food, make a “complete food” in beverage form (see
If your blood sugar is much too high, due to diabetes, in ad-
dition to cancer, consider yourself lucky, especially if somewhat
obese. This means you have not gone through your reserves yet.
Do not try to lose weight even if you are overweight. Your dia-
betes will improve while on this program; it may even be cured.
It is most important not to eat artificial sugar or calorie-reduced
food. You must nourish your body better than ever before to
heal from your cancer. You must eat three regular meals and
three snacks a day to help your body heal itself. As your diabe-
tes improves, your weight might drop drastically, effortlessly.
CBC stands for complete blood count. A small amount of
blood is dispensed into the automatic counter to determine how
many of each kind of blood cell you have.
There are three kinds, white blood cells, red blood corpus-
cles, and platelets, but they are all made from the same original
“baby cells” in the bone marrow, called stem cells. Stem cells
are constantly multiplying to provide us with these three kinds
of blood cells.