breaking the chromosomes at characteristic places. This is, no
doubt, how the “Philadelphia chromosome” and other translo-
cations are induced. We have found that this mutation disap-
pears when synthetic dyes are removed from food, teeth, hair
and clothing, vanadium is removed from teeth, and copper wa-
ter pipes are changed.
When the WBC count is much too high, over 15,000, it may
represent leukemia. The simple step of changing copper water
pipes often corrects the problem in its early stages. But when
the WBC is over 30,000, much more must be done quickly.
Removing all plastic and metal from teeth, killing parasites and
bacteria can reduce the count to 20,000 in ten days. Removing
all dyes brings it down further. At this point it is important to
provide selenium and vitamin A. Your WBCs need these to
battle pathogens.
Special caution to avoid benzene is essential to get back
your normal WBC count, whether too high or too low. Benzene
goes preferentially to the bone marrow and thymus where
WBCs are “nesting”. A list of benzene polluted foods and prod-
ucts is given in The Cure For All Cancers, however an easy rule
of thumb is not to eat or use processed products, or ones that
involve petroleum (as in pesticide residue and waxed fruit), nor
to drink bottled water.
There should never be any blasts in your CBC. These are
baby white cells, allowed out into the circulation before they are
mature enough. It always signals overproduction (namely leu-
kemia) in the bone marrow.
The healthy level of WBCs is 5.5 to 7.5 thousand per mm^3.
(A mm^3 , also written as uL, is about the size of a poppy seed.)
While levels below five reflect a toxin in the bone marrow, lev-
els above this range reflect overproduction. This could be due to
stimulation by bacteria. This alerts you to an infection some-
The eosinophil count should be ≤ (less than) 3%; higher
values imply the presence of parasites, particularly Ascaris and
your body’s “allergic” response to them.