When the WBC is extremely low (below four) immunity is
much too low. You are susceptible to any invader. Levels below
three are life-threatening. But even levels as low as 1.5 have
been quickly doubled (in six weeks) by avoiding benzene, doing
dental work and killing parasites.
Red Blood Corpuscles (RBC)
The healthy level of red blood cells is 4.4 to 4.6 million per
mm^3 for both men and women. We have been taught that 5 mil-
lion is the perfect result, especially for men. This is not correct.
All levels higher than 4.6 are the result of cobalt and/or vana-
dium toxicity! These toxicities are very common. The Syn-
crometer detects the element vanadium in the bone marrow,
liver and other vital organs when fossil fuel is breathed chroni-
cally, as with gas or oil heat. Of course, the cleaner the furnace
burns, the cleaner the air remains. A dust sample taken off the
kitchen table in the morning can be tested for vanadium with
the Syncrometer. Vanadium could come from the gas stove or
leaking refrigerant. Humans should not be inhaling vanadium
mist constantly. Although there is plenty of vanadium in the
dust and dirt outdoors, it does not accumulate in us to a detect-
able level from this exposure. Even worse than fossil fuel pol-
lution, is sucking on objects day and night that release vana-
dium, namely tooth prostheses (fillings, caps, root canals,
Cobalt causes the same deceptive elevation in the RBC
The RBC count is a masked value. Certain toxins elevate it,
while other toxins lower it. If they occur together, a middle
value is reached which appears to be in mid-range, and is, there-
fore, considered normal and “healthy.” Carcinogenic food dyes
target the bone marrow. Anemia (low RBC) results. The anemia
is not noticed when the RBC count is artificially elevated by
cobalt and vanadium. Are we a nation of anemic people, lulled
into complacency by falsely high RBC levels?