certain. With the dental work, survival is at least possible. Den-
tal surgery should be done in a hospital where blood and plate-
lets can be immediately given, bleeding stopped by clinical
means and other emergencies attended to.
High platelet levels such as over 400,000 results in too
much clotting activity; the blood will run sluggishly because it
is too viscous and therefore does not deliver enough oxygen and
food to the cells. A small amount of niacin (^1 / 16 teaspoon or a
pinch) and an equally small dose of aspirin (½ baby aspirin) are
given three times a day to thin the blood in this case. Platelet
counts of 500,000 to 800,000 tell us there is a small amount of
bleeding going on chronically somewhere in your body (the
body is trying to stop it by clotting it!) The bleeding should be
searched for. However, often the platelet count does not go up,
as expected, so bleeding must be guessed at by watching the
RBC to see if it is steadily dropping.
BUN and Creatinine
BUN stands for blood urea nitrogen —namely, how much
urea is in the blood. Since the kidneys excrete urea, we have
mistakenly thought that high levels in the blood imply kidney
disease and low levels imply extra-good kidney function. Nei-
ther concept is correct.
I have found that high urea levels imply a bacterial infection
somewhere and low levels mean there is a block in its forma-
tion. When your body cannot form urea, there is serious trouble
ahead; yet it has routinely been interpreted as “extra-good” kid-
ney function.
The bacteria that raise the BUN most are the exceptionally
bad ones, Clostridium varieties. Others add their part, too. Bac-
teria make copious amounts of ammonia which is extremely
toxic to us. (It has the odor of a diaper pail.) So our bodies catch
the ammonia and make urea out of it, so it can leave our bodies
quickly. Urea is removed from the blood by the kidneys and