Take vitamin E (400 units, see Sources) and calcium (1000
mg) daily if you are getting blood transfusions. It seems a wise
policy to toughen the RBC walls and to support clotting. Be pa-
tient with your bone marrow. We have seen a patient recover
after getting fifty transfusions.
Although we use “blood builders,” they are not effective if
the toxins still remain so all effort should be focused on re-
moving toxins.
Platelet Count
You should have 200,000 to 300,000 platelets in a mm^3 (uL)
of blood. A count below this implies a toxin in the bone marrow
where they are made, or a destruction process going on after
they arrive in your blood. An allergic response may cause
platelets to burst and be suddenly gone, too. When platelets are
sparse, not enough clotting action is present in blood. Surpris-
ingly, our blood vessels spring leaks all the time , and must be
patched by platelets. Numerous small bleeds do not get patched,
and are allowed to develop, when the platelet count drops below
100,000. If dental work is necessary and platelets are below
100,000, a dose of platelets should be given just a few hours
before the appointment (not sooner).
Platelets should be given before the mouth and gums are
bleeding. Removing copper, cobalt, vanadium and azo dyes re-
stores the bone marrow’s ability to make platelets again.
As the platelet count drops below 10,000, emergency care is
needed. Extra precaution against copper toxicity is now most
important. Every food, every supplement, all water, every drug
must be tested for copper before it is given to the patient as a
double precaution against pollution. Large doses of magnesium
(magnesium oxide, 300 mg, three a day) will slow platelet de-
Of course, dental extractions to remove the copper, cobalt,
vanadium, and germanium will trigger the very bleeding that is
necessitating platelet transfusions. But time is of the essence—
every minute counts now. Without the dental clean-up, death is