Creatinine is more truly a test of kidney function than
BUN. Yet, creatinine formation can be blocked too, and be ex-
tra low. Again, this does not imply extra good kidneys!
Since creatinine is made from creatine, an extra low value
could mean too little creatine is being made, or at least left in
the body. Too little would be made if the necessary ingredients
are in short supply. The ingredients are glycine, arginine and
methyl groups donated by SAM. Malonic acid toxicity shortens
the supply of these. Without enough creatine turning into cre-
atinine, blood levels must be low.
Creatine is muscle food. Some cancer patients waste a lot of
their creatine because the muscles are unable to use it. So it is
excreted. Again, there is very little left to turn into creatinine,
giving the appearance of “extra-good kidneys.” The amount in
your blood should not be less than 0.9. Even this value is “too
good,” since it is the level of young healthy persons. If you have
cancer and yet have a creatinine level that is very low, you can
guess that you are unable to make enough creatine or are wast-
ing it in the urine. Stop eating malonic acid foods immediately
and get the malonate (plastic) out of your dentalware. In the
meantime, supplement yourself with shark cartilage and amino
acids, both essential and non-essential.
Creatinine levels rise when the kidneys fail to clear it from
the blood. A level of 1.4 should not be exceeded. If it goes
above this, vigorous help for the kidneys should be obtained at
once. The Kidney Cleanse, starting with the usual dose but dou-
bling it (or quadrupling it) after a few days helps most. Lots of
water (at least two quarts/liters a day) helps. Cysteine (three
grams a day) and lysine (five grams a day) are especially useful
supplements. Alkalinizing your body with ½ teaspoon baking
soda or sodium/potassium bicarbonate mix (two parts baking
soda, to one part potassium bicarbonate) at bedtime helps the
kidneys, too. Sometimes a drug is responsible for kidney failure.
To test this all drugs should be eliminated or substituted with an
equivalent variety for at least a few days to see if the creatinine
will fall. If the kidneys respond and creatinine levels drop, do