not go back to earlier drugs. Even a creatinine level over 5.0 can
be reduced to safe levels again in these simple ways.
But clinical help should be requested before it rises above
3.0. This will buy you a small window of time; use it wisely—to
extract rotten teeth or get plastic out of teeth, kill bacteria and
parasites, change diet, and find drug replacements.
Liver Enzymes
The liver is the body’s main manufacturing plant so its
health is reflected in our health. When the liver gets sick, we get
sick. That is why nearly half of the blood tests done are actually
liver tests, in some form. The liver can regenerate new cells and
keep itself repaired! Old worn out cells must die to facilitate this
rejuvenation. If the liver is injured chemically, many more cells
will die. If they die, they release their enzymes into the blood
stream. Three common enzymes are:
- AST (aspartate amino transferase), also known as SGOT.
- ALT (alanine amino transferase), also known as SGPT.
- GGT (gamma glutamyl transpeptidase).
The two transferases go up quite readily when there is any
kind of liver disease or when drugs are used, since drugs are
toxins to the liver—meaning that liver cells are killed. If your
transferases, also called transaminases, are going up, a liver
toxin is present and you must search, even amongst your
“natural” supplements for a toxin. The Syncrometer usually de-
tects lead polluting vitamins or herbal concoctions in such
cases. For this reason, only tested supplements are recom-
mended for your use. If your transaminases are over 70, and
rising, don’t wait; try going off all supplements for five days to
see if the transaminases will fall. If not, replace all your drugs,
too, with substitutes for five days.
Sometimes an essential drug such as a heart drug or anti-
seizure drug is responsible for the elevated transaminases. Even
if the transaminases merely climb over 70 U/L, replacement
prescriptions should be requested from your doctor.