You must stay on this restrictive diet until the T.b. is back to
1.0; then return to normal food slowly—watching the T.b.
If your T.b. hovers around 0.9 to 1.0, you are too close to
the brink of jaundice. Reduce grains; go off nuts, whole wheat,
and brown rice.
The most insidious source of aflatoxins is the inside of your
own tumors. From here they leak out slowly to reach your liver
where the harm is done. But this ends when the tumor contents
are detoxified. Sometimes a high T.b. is due to obstruction of
bile ducts by tumors pressing against them. This is a clinical
emergency. A bypass (stent) can be put in place to help them
drain again. While waiting for this surgery, do the entire tumor-
shrinking program. Shrinkage can begin in twenty-four hours.
When the bowel movement regains its dark color, you know the
bile is draining again. HCl drops may be maximized to stimu-
late bile secretion. Coffee enemas also stimulate bile formation.
Taking glucuronic acid as a supplement may help the liver do
its conjugation.
When the T.b. reaches thirty, it can still be filtered out of
your blood in a clinical procedure. It is important not to let it get
higher, since it may damage your other organs. It also helps to
give albumin by IV, one bottle (12.5 gm) daily to absorb some
of it. Exposure to direct sunlight for one hour seems to help our
patients. Raised levels of glutathione (20 gm per day) and vita-
min C (3 tsp. or 15 gm per day) help the liver the most with this
severe jaundice (if these levels give you diarrhea, spread them
out over the day). Do not give up even if T.b. reaches fifty! You
may be improving your situation, namely curing your cancer,
and yet not losing your jaundice. The pigment seems tightly
stuck in your tissues for some time. Be patient. Do the program
Uric Acid
When a cell dies the body wisely recycles it by breaking it
down, keeping what can be reused, and getting rid of the rest.