Transaminases over 350 can still be brought down to safety, if
you act quickly. But if they soar higher, liver failure is in prog-
ress. You must make every effort to help the liver. (Seek out IV
The GGT reflects a different liver function. I have not yet
found the cause of its elevation in cancer patients.
All three enzymes should be below 25 U/L. (It is unrealistic
to expect to see the truly healthy level of 12 in a cancer patient.
Some damage may be permanent.) If yours are elevated, try to
find the cause. You can be pleasantly surprised just by stopping
painkillers and substituting other anti-pain measures. Changing
pain killers sometimes works. Using two or three different pain
killers, each in a small amount, also may work to lower your
liver enzymes. Don’t give up, even if your GGT is over 1000; it
can still be corrected.
Total bilirubin (T.b.)
It is the liver’s job to detoxify the hemoglobin that is sal-
vaged from old worn out red blood cells.
Since red blood cells have a life span of only 120 days,
about one percent of them die each day, and must be trapped by
the spleen in order to salvage certain parts. Their iron must be
salvaged. Their hemoglobin must be conjugated (detoxified),
and excreted as bilirubin in the bile. If the liver is not capable of
conjugation or the bile ducts are blocked, raw (undetoxified)
bilirubin builds up in the circulation. You can detect a yellowish
tint first in the whites of the eyes. It is called jaundice.
There is no time to lose. If your T.b. is over 1.0, there is a
serious problem. The problem can be corrected if the T.b. has
not gone too high. Most of the time, the problem is aflatoxin
toxicity. Stop at once eating all grains, including rice, bread,
pasta, cereals, and popcorn. Only oatmeal and corn on the cob
present no danger from aflatoxins. Also eat no food that could
be moldy: all nuts and many fruits and anything fermented. Five
days of complete relief will get the T.b. moving downwards.