ers keep it away from bacteria. For all these reasons, only a very
small dose of iron is given as a supplement.
Part of the process of iron retrieval from ferritin is con-
trolled by the enzyme FMN. The Syncrometer detects FMN in
ginger. It seems advisable to eat ginger when iron is very low.
(And both cysteine and vitamin C, of course.)
When levels drop below 20 and the RBC is near transfusion
level and lanthanides have already been removed, we supple-
ment with a capsule of 300 mg ferrous gluconate (33 mg of
iron) given for 5 days only.
In general, however, you can expect your iron level to nor-
malize by itself, as you clear up other problems.
Hemoglobin (HGB)
HGB is the molecule that carries oxygen to your tissues
from your lungs. Red blood cells (RBCs) contain hemoglobin,
so levels of HGB and RBCs tend to rise and fall together. An
HGB level that is too low may need to be rectified with a trans-
fusion even if RBCs are adequate and vice versa.
Carbon Dioxide
Low carbon dioxide implies you may be huffing and puff-
ing, even from mere walking, thereby expelling it too fast. It is
needed as an acid/base regulator. It might be better to be on
oxygen. High carbon dioxide reflects an acid buildup. Reduce
sulfur and HCl; and add sodium and potassium. High bicarbon-
ate (trapped carbon dioxide) may indicate too alkaline a blood