How Important Are Blood Tests?............................
Blood test values are never accepted as “absolute truth.” The
lab could make a mistake; something unusual could have hap-
pened; or a mysterious effect could be at work. Interpreting
blood tests is still an art, hardly a science. For this reason blood
tests are repeated before they are given great weight. And cer-
tain tests are given much more weight than others, for instance,
the RBC, T.b, creatinine, albumin. Life depends on these and
there is little room for variation.
Still, the time of day, whether you have eaten recently, or
exercised, affect some results more than others. It is wise to
wait for three or four blood tests before being too alarmed about
most other blood test results.
Since labs use different tests and ranges, it is obviously wise
to stick to the same lab for easy comparisons.
You Won’t Die From Cancer
Rarely does a cancer sufferer die from their tumors. Long
before a tumor presses too hard on a critical organ, something
else will go amok. This is what cancer sufferers die from, in my
Result Actual Cause
of Death
Tumor press-
ing on a vital
Tumors can block airways, arteries, bile
ducts, put pressure on the brain, and so
Cancer 25%
Anemia When your red blood corpuscles and
hemoglobin become so low that even
transfusions can’t keep up, your organs
become starved for oxygen.
Heart failure. 50%
Uremia High BUN levels damage kidneys (they
can’t excrete urea or creatinine). Am-
monia levels rise,
The ammonia
poisons your
Hypercalcemia Calcium levels over 16 can cause con-
fusion, disorientation, and other mental
symptoms. Researchers speculate the
calcium is precipitating in your organs,
particularly your kidneys. Any level over
Kidney failure. 10%